foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 Source File

FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of low storage Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to 4th order accurate.

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sourcefile~~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 sourcefile~foodie_integrator_object.f90 foodie_integrator_object.f90 sourcefile~foodie_integrator_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 sourcefile~foodie_integrator_multistage_object.f90 foodie_integrator_multistage_object.f90 sourcefile~foodie_integrator_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_integrator_multistage_object.f90 sourcefile~foodie_integrand_object.f90 foodie_integrand_object.F90 sourcefile~foodie_integrand_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 sourcefile~foodie_integrand_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_integrator_multistage_object.f90 sourcefile~foodie_error_codes.f90 foodie_error_codes.f90 sourcefile~foodie_error_codes.f90->sourcefile~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 sourcefile~foodie_integrator_multistage_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90

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sourcefile~~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90 foodie.f90 sourcefile~foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90->sourcefile~foodie.f90 sourcefile~type_euler-1d.f90 type_euler-1D.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~type_euler-1d.f90 sourcefile~lorenz.f90 lorenz.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~lorenz.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_oscillation.f90 foodie_test_integrand_oscillation.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_oscillation.f90 sourcefile~euler-1d.f90 euler-1D.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~euler-1d.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_lcce.f90 foodie_test_integrand_lcce.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_lcce.f90 sourcefile~type_burgers.f90 type_burgers.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~type_burgers.f90 sourcefile~type_euler-1d-caf.f90 type_euler-1D-caf.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~type_euler-1d-caf.f90 sourcefile~type_lorenz.f90 type_lorenz.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~type_lorenz.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_lcce.f90 foodie_test_lcce.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_lcce.f90 sourcefile~euler-1d-caf.f90 euler-1D-caf.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~euler-1d-caf.f90 sourcefile~burgers.f90 burgers.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~burgers.f90 sourcefile~type_euler-1d-openmp.f90 type_euler-1D-openmp.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~type_euler-1d-openmp.f90 sourcefile~foodie_tester.f90 foodie_tester.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~foodie_tester.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_ladvection.f90 foodie_test_integrand_ladvection.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_ladvection.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_tester_object.f90 foodie_test_integrand_tester_object.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_tester_object.f90 sourcefile~euler-1d-openmp.f90 euler-1D-openmp.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~euler-1d-openmp.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_oscillation.f90 foodie_test_oscillation.f90 sourcefile~foodie.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_oscillation.f90 sourcefile~type_euler-1d.f90->sourcefile~euler-1d.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_oscillation.f90->sourcefile~foodie_tester.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_oscillation.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_oscillation.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_lcce.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_lcce.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_lcce.f90->sourcefile~foodie_tester.f90 sourcefile~type_burgers.f90->sourcefile~burgers.f90 sourcefile~type_euler-1d-caf.f90->sourcefile~euler-1d-caf.f90 sourcefile~type_lorenz.f90->sourcefile~lorenz.f90 sourcefile~type_euler-1d-openmp.f90->sourcefile~euler-1d-openmp.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_ladvection.f90->sourcefile~foodie_tester.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_tester_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_oscillation.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_tester_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_lcce.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_tester_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_tester.f90 sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_tester_object.f90->sourcefile~foodie_test_integrand_ladvection.f90

Source Code

!< FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of low storage Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to 4th order accurate.

module foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage
!< FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of low storage Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to 4th order accurate.
!< The integrators provided have the low storage property allowing for an efficient use of the memory.
!< Following Williamson approach [1], the LSRK(5,4)2N (solution 3) scheme of Carpenter et al. [2] is implemented.
!< Considering the following ODE system:
!< $$ U_t = R(t,U) $$
!< where \(U_t = \frac{dU}{dt}\), *U* is the vector of *state* variables being a function of the time-like independent variable
!< *t*, *R* is the (vectorial) residual function, the class of schemes implemented are written in the form:
!< K_1 = U^n \\
!< K_2 = 0 \\
!< K_2 = A_s K_2 + \Delta t R(t^n + C_s \Delta t, K_1) \\
!< K_1 = K_1 + B_s K_2
!<\end{matrix}\right\} s=1,2,...N_s\\
!<U^{n+1} = K_1
!< where *Ns* is the number of stages used and \(K_1, K_2\) are the 2 registers used for stages computation.
!< @note The value of \(\Delta t\) must be provided, it not being computed by the integrator.
!< The schemes are explicit thus \(A_1=C_1=0\). The coefficients \(A_s, B_s, C_s\) are given in the Williamson low storage table
!< form.
!< The different schemes are selected accordingly to the number of stages used. Currently the following schemes are available:
!<#### 1 stage, Explicit Forward Euler, 1st order
!< This scheme is TVD and reverts to Explicit Forward Euler, it being 1st order. It is not a real low storage scheme, this being
!< meaningless for a first order scheme. However it is added for safety reason.
!< | ` Stage ` | ` A ` | ` B ` | ` C ` |
!< |-----------|-------|-------|-------|
!< | ` 1 `     | ` 0 ` | ` 1 ` | ` 0 ` |
!<#### 5 stages, SSP, 4th order
!< This scheme is a low storage RK(5, 4), based on the *solution 3* proposed in [2].
!< | ` Stage ` | ` A `                            | ` B `                            | ` C `                           |
!< |-----------|----------------------------------|----------------------------------|---------------------------------|
!< | ` 1 `     | `  0                           ` | ` 1432997174477/9575080441755  ` | ` 0                           ` |
!< | ` 2 `     | ` -567301805773 /1357537059087 ` | ` 5161836677717/13612068292357 ` | ` 1432997174477/9575080441755 ` |
!< | ` 3 `     | ` -2404267990393/2016746695238 ` | ` 1720146321549/2090206949498  ` | ` 2526269341429/6820363962896 ` |
!< | ` 4 `     | ` -3550918686646/2091501179385 ` | ` 3134564353537/4481467310338  ` | ` 2006345519317/3224310063776 ` |
!< | ` 5 `     | ` -1275806237668/842570457699  ` | ` 2277821191437/14882151754819 ` | ` 2802321613138/2924317926251 ` |
!<#### 6 stages, 4th order
!< This scheme is a low storage RK(6, 4), by [3].
!< | ` Stage ` | ` A `               | ` B `              | ` C `              |
!< |-----------|---------------------|--------------------|--------------------|
!< | ` 1 `     | `  0              ` | ` 0.122000000000 ` | ` 0              ` |
!< | ` 2 `     | ` -0.691750960670 ` | ` 0.477263056358 ` | ` 0.122000000000 ` |
!< | ` 3 `     | ` -1.727127405211 ` | ` 0.381941220320 ` | ` 0.269115878630 ` |
!< | ` 4 `     | ` -0.694890150986 ` | ` 0.447757195744 ` | ` 0.447717183551 ` |
!< | ` 5 `     | ` -1.039942756197 ` | ` 0.498614246822 ` | ` 0.749979795490 ` |
!< | ` 6 `     | ` -1.531977447611 ` | ` 0.186648570846 ` | ` 0.898555413085 ` |
!<#### 7 stages, 4th order
!< This scheme is a low storage RK(7, 4), by [3].
!< | ` Stage ` | ` A `               | ` B `              | ` C `              |
!< |-----------|---------------------|--------------------|--------------------|
!< | ` 1 `     | `  0              ` | ` 0.117322146869 ` | ` 0              ` |
!< | ` 2 `     | ` -0.647900745934 ` | ` 0.503270262127 ` | ` 0.117322146869 ` |
!< | ` 3 `     | ` -2.704760863204 ` | ` 0.233663281658 ` | ` 0.294523230758 ` |
!< | ` 4 `     | ` -0.460080550118 ` | ` 0.283419634625 ` | ` 0.305658622131 ` |
!< | ` 5 `     | ` -0.500581787785 ` | ` 0.540367414023 ` | ` 0.582864148403 ` |
!< | ` 6 `     | ` -1.906532255913 ` | ` 0.371499414620 ` | ` 0.858664273599 ` |
!< | ` 7 `     | ` -1.450000000000 ` | ` 0.136670099385 ` | ` 0.868664273599 ` |
!<#### 12 stages, 4th order
!< This scheme is a low storage RK(12, 4), by [4].
!< | ` Stage ` | ` A `                   | ` B `                  | ` C `                  |
!< |-----------|-------------------------|------------------------|------------------------|
!< | ` 1  `    | `  0                  ` | ` 0.0650008435125904 ` | ` 0                  ` |
!< | ` 2  `    | ` -0.0923311242368072 ` | ` 0.0161459902249842 ` | ` 0.0650008435125904 ` |
!< | ` 3  `    | ` -0.9441056581158819 ` | ` 0.5758627178358159 ` | ` 0.0796560563081853 ` |
!< | ` 4  `    | ` -4.3271273247576394 ` | ` 0.1649758848361671 ` | ` 0.1620416710085376 ` |
!< | ` 5  `    | ` -2.1557771329026072 ` | ` 0.3934619494248182 ` | ` 0.2248877362907778 ` |
!< | ` 6  `    | ` -0.9770727190189062 ` | ` 0.0443509641602719 ` | ` 0.2952293985641261 ` |
!< | ` 7  `    | ` -0.7581835342571139 ` | ` 0.2074504268408778 ` | ` 0.3318332506149405 ` |
!< | ` 8  `    | ` -1.7977525470825499 ` | ` 0.6914247433015102 ` | ` 0.4094724050198658 ` |
!< | ` 9  `    | ` -2.6915667972700770 ` | ` 0.3766646883450449 ` | ` 0.6356954475753369 ` |
!< | ` 10 `    | ` -4.6466798960268143 ` | ` 0.0757190350155483 ` | ` 0.6806551557645497 ` |
!< | ` 11 `    | ` -0.1539613783825189 ` | ` 0.2027862031054088 ` | ` 0.7143773712418350 ` |
!< | ` 12 `    | ` -0.5943293901830616 ` | ` 0.2167029365631842 ` | ` 0.9032588871651854 ` |
!<#### 13 stages, 4th order
!< This scheme is a low storage RK(13, 4), by [4].
!< | ` Stage ` | ` A `                   | ` B `                  | ` C `                  |
!< |-----------|-------------------------|------------------------|------------------------|
!< | ` 1  `    | `  0                  ` | ` 0.0271990297818803 ` | ` 0                  ` |
!< | ` 2  `    | ` -0.6160178650170565 ` | ` 0.1772488819905108 ` | ` 0.0271990297818803 ` |
!< | ` 3  `    | ` -0.4449487060774118 ` | ` 0.0378528418949694 ` | ` 0.0952594339119365 ` |
!< | ` 4  `    | ` -1.0952033345276178 ` | ` 0.6086431830142991 ` | ` 0.1266450286591127 ` |
!< | ` 5  `    | ` -1.2256030785959187 ` | ` 0.2154313974316100 ` | ` 0.1825883045699772 ` |
!< | ` 6  `    | ` -0.2740182222332805 ` | ` 0.2066152563885843 ` | ` 0.3737511439063931 ` |
!< | ` 7  `    | ` -0.0411952089052647 ` | ` 0.0415864076069797 ` | ` 0.5301279418422206 ` |
!< | ` 8  `    | ` -0.1797084899153560 ` | ` 0.0219891884310925 ` | ` 0.5704177433952291 ` |
!< | ` 9  `    | ` -1.1771530652064288 ` | ` 0.9893081222650993 ` | ` 0.5885784947099155 ` |
!< | ` 10 `    | ` -0.4078831463120878 ` | ` 0.0063199019859826 ` | ` 0.6160769826246714 ` |
!< | ` 11 `    | ` -0.8295636426191777 ` | ` 0.3749640721105318 ` | ` 0.6223252334314046 ` |
!< | ` 12 `    | ` -4.7895970584252288 ` | ` 1.6080235151003195 ` | ` 0.6897593128753419 ` |
!< | ` 13 `    | ` -0.6606671432964504 ` | ` 0.0961209123818189 ` | ` 0.9126827615920843 ` |
!<#### 14 stages, 4th order
!< This scheme is a low storage RK(14, 4), by [4].
!< | ` Stage ` | ` A `                   | ` B `                  | ` C `                  |
!< |-----------|-------------------------|------------------------|------------------------|
!< | ` 1  `    | `  0                  ` | ` 0.0367762454319673 ` | ` 0                  ` |
!< | ` 2  `    | ` -0.7188012108672410 ` | ` 0.3136296607553959 ` | ` 0.0367762454319673 ` |
!< | ` 3  `    | ` -0.7785331173421570 ` | ` 0.1531848691869027 ` | ` 0.1249685262725025 ` |
!< | ` 4  `    | ` -0.0053282796654044 ` | ` 0.0030097086818182 ` | ` 0.2446177702277698 ` |
!< | ` 5  `    | ` -0.8552979934029281 ` | ` 0.3326293790646110 ` | ` 0.2476149531070420 ` |
!< | ` 6  `    | ` -3.9564138245774565 ` | ` 0.2440251405350864 ` | ` 0.2969311120382472 ` |
!< | ` 7  `    | ` -1.5780575380587385 ` | ` 0.3718879239592277 ` | ` 0.3978149645802642 ` |
!< | ` 8  `    | ` -2.0837094552574054 ` | ` 0.6204126221582444 ` | ` 0.5270854589440328 ` |
!< | ` 9  `    | ` -0.7483334182761610 ` | ` 0.1524043173028741 ` | ` 0.6981269994175695 ` |
!< | ` 10 `    | ` -0.7032861106563359 ` | ` 0.0760894927419266 ` | ` 0.8190890835352128 ` |
!< | ` 11 `    | `  0.0013917096117681 ` | ` 0.0077604214040978 ` | ` 0.8527059887098624 ` |
!< | ` 12 `    | ` -0.0932075369637460 ` | ` 0.0024647284755382 ` | ` 0.8604711817462826 ` |
!< | ` 13 `    | ` -0.9514200470875948 ` | ` 0.0780348340049386 ` | ` 0.8627060376969976 ` |
!< | ` 14 `    | ` -7.1151571693922548 ` | ` 5.5059777270269628 ` | ` 0.8734213127600976 ` |
!<#### Bibliography
!< [1] *Low-Storage Runge-Kutta Schemes*, J. H. Williamson, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 35, 1980, pp. 48--56.
!< [2] *Fourth-Order 2N-Storage Runge-Kutta Schemes*, Mark H. Carpenter, Christopher A. Kennedy, NASA Technical Memorandum 109112,
!< June 1994.
!< [3] *High-accuracy large-step explicit Runge–Kutta (HALE-RK) schemes for computational aeroacoustics*, Vasanth Allampalli and
!< Ray Hixon and M. Nallasamy and Scott D. Sawyer, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 228, 2009, pp. 3837--3850.
!< [4] *Efficient low-storage Runge–Kutta schemes with optimized stability regions*, Jens Niegemann and Richard Diehl and Kurt
!< Busch, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 231, 2012, pp. 364--372.

use foodie_error_codes, only : ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME
use foodie_integrand_object, only : integrand_object
use foodie_integrator_multistage_object, only : integrator_multistage_object
use foodie_integrator_object, only : integrator_object
use penf, only : I_P, I8P, R_P

implicit none
public :: integrator_runge_kutta_ls

character(len=99), parameter :: class_name_='runge_kutta_ls'                                      !< Name of the class of schemes.
character(len=99), parameter :: supported_schemes_(1:7)=[trim(class_name_)//'_stages_1_order_1 ', &
                                                         trim(class_name_)//'_stages_5_order_4 ', &
                                                         trim(class_name_)//'_stages_6_order_4 ', &
                                                         trim(class_name_)//'_stages_7_order_4 ', &
                                                         trim(class_name_)//'_stages_12_order_4', &
                                                         trim(class_name_)//'_stages_13_order_4', &
                                                         trim(class_name_)//'_stages_14_order_4'] !< List of supported schemes.

integer(I_P), parameter :: registers=2 !< Registers used (2N schemes).

logical, parameter :: has_fast_mode_=.true. !< Flag to check if integrator provides *fast mode* integrate.

type, extends(integrator_multistage_object) :: integrator_runge_kutta_ls
  !< FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of low storage Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to 4th order accurate.
  !< @note The integrator must be created or initialized (initialize the RK coefficients) before used.
  real(R_P), allocatable :: A(:) !< Low storage *A* coefficients.
  real(R_P), allocatable :: B(:) !< Low storage *B* coefficients.
  real(R_P), allocatable :: C(:) !< Low storage *C* coefficients.
    ! deferred methods
    procedure, pass(self) :: class_name           !< Return the class name of schemes.
    procedure, pass(self) :: has_fast_mode        !< Return .true. if the integrator class has *fast mode* integrate.
    procedure, pass(lhs)  :: integr_assign_integr !< Operator `=`.
    procedure, pass(self) :: integrate            !< Integrate integrand field.
    procedure, pass(self) :: integrate_fast       !< Integrate integrand field, fast mode.
    procedure, pass(self) :: is_supported         !< Return .true. if the integrator class support the given scheme.
    procedure, pass(self) :: supported_schemes    !< Return the list of supported schemes.
    ! public methods
    procedure, pass(self) :: destroy          !< Destroy the integrator.
    procedure, pass(self) :: initialize       !< Initialize (create) the integrator.
    procedure, nopass     :: registers_number !< Return the number of registers used.
endtype integrator_runge_kutta_ls

   ! deferred methods
  pure function class_name(self)
  !< Return the class name of schemes.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(in) :: self       !< Integrator.
  character(len=99)                            :: class_name !< Class name.

  class_name = trim(adjustl(class_name_))
  endfunction class_name

  elemental function has_fast_mode(self)
  !< Return .true. if the integrator class has *fast mode* integrate.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(in) :: self          !< Integrator.
  logical                                      :: has_fast_mode !< Inquire result.

  has_fast_mode = has_fast_mode_
  endfunction has_fast_mode

  subroutine integr_assign_integr(lhs, rhs)
  !< Operator `=`.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side.
  class(integrator_object),         intent(in)    :: rhs !< Right hand side.

  call lhs%assign_abstract(rhs=rhs)
  select type(rhs)
  class is (integrator_runge_kutta_ls)
                          lhs%stages = rhs%stages
    if (allocated(rhs%A)) lhs%A      = rhs%A
    if (allocated(rhs%B)) lhs%B      = rhs%B
    if (allocated(rhs%C)) lhs%C      = rhs%C
  endsubroutine integr_assign_integr

  subroutine integrate(self, U, Dt, t, new_Dt)
  !< Integrate field with explicit low storage Runge-Kutta scheme.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(inout)         :: self   !< Integrator.
  class(integrand_object),          intent(inout)         :: U      !< Field to be integrated.
  real(R_P),                        intent(in)            :: Dt     !< Time step.
  real(R_P),                        intent(in)            :: t      !< Time.
  real(R_P),                        intent(out), optional :: new_Dt !< New adapted time step.
  integer(I_P)                                            :: s      !< First stages counter.

  ! computing stages
  self%stage(1) = U
  self%stage(2) = U * 0._R_P
  do s=1, self%stages
     self%stage(2) = (self%stage(2) * self%A(s)) + (self%stage(1)%t(t=t + self%C(s) * Dt) * Dt)
     self%stage(1) = self%stage(1) + (self%stage(2) * self%B(s))
  U = self%stage(1)
  if (present(new_Dt)) new_Dt = Dt
  endsubroutine integrate

  subroutine integrate_fast(self, U, Dt, t, new_Dt)
  !< Integrate field with explicit low storage Runge-Kutta scheme, fast mode.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(inout)         :: self   !< Integrator.
  class(integrand_object),          intent(inout)         :: U      !< Field to be integrated.
  real(R_P),                        intent(in)            :: Dt     !< Time step.
  real(R_P),                        intent(in)            :: t      !< Time.
  real(R_P),                        intent(out), optional :: new_Dt !< New adapted time step.
  integer(I_P)                                            :: s      !< First stages counter.

  ! computing stages
  self%stage(1) = U
  call self%stage(2)%multiply_fast(lhs=U, rhs=0._R_P)
  do s=1, self%stages
     self%buffer = self%stage(1)
     call self%buffer%t_fast(t=t + self%C(s) * Dt)
     call self%buffer%multiply_fast(lhs=self%buffer, rhs=Dt)
     call self%stage(2)%multiply_fast(lhs=self%stage(2), rhs=self%A(s))
     call self%stage(2)%add_fast(lhs=self%stage(2), rhs=self%buffer)
     call self%buffer%multiply_fast(lhs=self%stage(2), rhs=self%B(s))
     call self%stage(1)%add_fast(lhs=self%stage(1), rhs=self%buffer)
  U = self%stage(1)
  if (present(new_Dt)) new_Dt = Dt
  endsubroutine integrate_fast

  elemental function is_supported(self, scheme)
  !< Return .true. if the integrator class support the given scheme.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(in) :: self         !< Integrator.
  character(*),                     intent(in) :: scheme       !< Selected scheme.
  logical                                      :: is_supported !< Inquire result.
  integer(I_P)                                 :: s            !< Counter.

  is_supported = .false.
  do s=lbound(supported_schemes_, dim=1), ubound(supported_schemes_, dim=1)
    if (trim(adjustl(scheme)) == trim(adjustl(supported_schemes_(s)))) then
      is_supported = .true.
  endfunction is_supported

  pure function supported_schemes(self) result(schemes)
  !< Return the list of supported schemes.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(in) :: self       !< Integrator.
  character(len=99), allocatable               :: schemes(:) !< Queried scheme.

  allocate(schemes(lbound(supported_schemes_, dim=1):ubound(supported_schemes_, dim=1)))
  schemes = supported_schemes_
  endfunction supported_schemes

  ! public methods
  elemental subroutine destroy(self)
  !< Destroy the integrator.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(inout) :: self !< Integrator.

  call self%destroy_multistage
  if (allocated(self%A)) deallocate(self%A)
  if (allocated(self%B)) deallocate(self%B)
  if (allocated(self%C)) deallocate(self%C)
  endsubroutine destroy

  subroutine initialize(self, scheme, U, stop_on_fail)
  !< Create the actual RK integrator: initialize the Butcher' low storage table coefficients.
  class(integrator_runge_kutta_ls), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Integrator.
  character(*),                     intent(in)           :: scheme       !< Selected scheme.
  class(integrand_object),          intent(in), optional :: U            !< Integrand molding prototype.
  logical,                          intent(in), optional :: stop_on_fail !< Stop execution if initialization fail.

  if (self%is_supported(scheme=scheme)) then
    call self%destroy
    self%description_ = trim(adjustl(scheme))
    select case(trim(adjustl(scheme)))
      self%stages = 1
      allocate(self%A(1:self%stages)) ; self%A = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%B(1:self%stages)) ; self%B = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%C(1:self%stages)) ; self%C = 0._R_P

      self%B(1) = 1._R_P
      self%stages = 5
      allocate(self%A(1:self%stages)) ; self%A = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%B(1:self%stages)) ; self%B = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%C(1:self%stages)) ; self%C = 0._R_P

      self%A(1) =  0._R_P
      self%A(2) = -real(567301805773_I8P,  kind=R_P) / real(1357537059087_I8P, kind=R_P)
      self%A(3) = -real(2404267990393_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(2016746695238_I8P, kind=R_P)
      self%A(4) = -real(3550918686646_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(2091501179385_I8P, kind=R_P)
      self%A(5) = -real(1275806237668_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(842570457699_I8P,  kind=R_P)

      self%B(1) =  real(1432997174477_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(9575080441755_I8P,  kind=R_P)
      self%B(2) =  real(5161836677717_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(13612068292357_I8P, kind=R_P)
      self%B(3) =  real(1720146321549_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(2090206949498_I8P,  kind=R_P)
      self%B(4) =  real(3134564353537_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(4481467310338_I8P,  kind=R_P)
      self%B(5) =  real(2277821191437_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(14882151754819_I8P, kind=R_P)

      self%C(1) =  0._R_P
      self%C(2) =  real(1432997174477_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(9575080441755_I8P, kind=R_P)
      self%C(3) =  real(2526269341429_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(6820363962896_I8P, kind=R_P)
      self%C(4) =  real(2006345519317_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(3224310063776_I8P, kind=R_P)
      self%C(5) =  real(2802321613138_I8P, kind=R_P) / real(2924317926251_I8P, kind=R_P)
      self%stages = 6
      allocate(self%A(1:self%stages)) ; self%A = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%B(1:self%stages)) ; self%B = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%C(1:self%stages)) ; self%C = 0._R_P

      self%A(1) =  0._R_P             ; self%B(1) = 0.122000000000_R_P ; self%C(1) = 0._R_P
      self%A(2) = -0.691750960670_R_P ; self%B(2) = 0.477263056358_R_P ; self%C(2) = 0.122000000000_R_P
      self%A(3) = -1.727127405211_R_P ; self%B(3) = 0.381941220320_R_P ; self%C(3) = 0.269115878630_R_P
      self%A(4) = -0.694890150986_R_P ; self%B(4) = 0.447757195744_R_P ; self%C(4) = 0.447717183551_R_P
      self%A(5) = -1.039942756197_R_P ; self%B(5) = 0.498614246822_R_P ; self%C(5) = 0.749979795490_R_P
      self%A(6) = -1.531977447611_R_P ; self%B(6) = 0.186648570846_R_P ; self%C(6) = 0.898555413085_R_P
      self%stages = 7
      allocate(self%A(1:self%stages)) ; self%A = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%B(1:self%stages)) ; self%B = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%C(1:self%stages)) ; self%C = 0._R_P

      self%A(1) =  0._R_P             ; self%B(1) = 0.117322146869_R_P ; self%C(1) = 0._R_P
      self%A(2) = -0.647900745934_R_P ; self%B(2) = 0.503270262127_R_P ; self%C(2) = 0.117322146869_R_P
      self%A(3) = -2.704760863204_R_P ; self%B(3) = 0.233663281658_R_P ; self%C(3) = 0.294523230758_R_P
      self%A(4) = -0.460080550118_R_P ; self%B(4) = 0.283419634625_R_P ; self%C(4) = 0.305658622131_R_P
      self%A(5) = -0.500581787785_R_P ; self%B(5) = 0.540367414023_R_P ; self%C(5) = 0.582864148403_R_P
      self%A(6) = -1.906532255913_R_P ; self%B(6) = 0.371499414620_R_P ; self%C(6) = 0.858664273599_R_P
      self%A(7) = -1.450000000000_R_P ; self%B(7) = 0.136670099385_R_P ; self%C(7) = 0.868664273599_R_P
      self%stages = 12
      allocate(self%A(1:self%stages)) ; self%A = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%B(1:self%stages)) ; self%B = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%C(1:self%stages)) ; self%C = 0._R_P

      self%A(1 ) =  0._R_P                 ; self%B(1 ) = 0.0650008435125904_R_P ; self%C(1 ) = 0._R_P
      self%A(2 ) = -0.0923311242368072_R_P ; self%B(2 ) = 0.0161459902249842_R_P ; self%C(2 ) = 0.0650008435125904_R_P
      self%A(3 ) = -0.9441056581158819_R_P ; self%B(3 ) = 0.5758627178358159_R_P ; self%C(3 ) = 0.0796560563081853_R_P
      self%A(4 ) = -4.3271273247576394_R_P ; self%B(4 ) = 0.1649758848361671_R_P ; self%C(4 ) = 0.1620416710085376_R_P
      self%A(5 ) = -2.1557771329026072_R_P ; self%B(5 ) = 0.3934619494248182_R_P ; self%C(5 ) = 0.2248877362907778_R_P
      self%A(6 ) = -0.9770727190189062_R_P ; self%B(6 ) = 0.0443509641602719_R_P ; self%C(6 ) = 0.2952293985641261_R_P
      self%A(7 ) = -0.7581835342571139_R_P ; self%B(7 ) = 0.2074504268408778_R_P ; self%C(7 ) = 0.3318332506149405_R_P
      self%A(8 ) = -1.7977525470825499_R_P ; self%B(8 ) = 0.6914247433015102_R_P ; self%C(8 ) = 0.4094724050198658_R_P
      self%A(9 ) = -2.6915667972700770_R_P ; self%B(9 ) = 0.3766646883450449_R_P ; self%C(9 ) = 0.6356954475753369_R_P
      self%A(10) = -4.6466798960268143_R_P ; self%B(10) = 0.0757190350155483_R_P ; self%C(10) = 0.6806551557645497_R_P
      self%A(11) = -0.1539613783825189_R_P ; self%B(11) = 0.2027862031054088_R_P ; self%C(11) = 0.7143773712418350_R_P
      self%A(12) = -0.5943293901830616_R_P ; self%B(12) = 0.2167029365631842_R_P ; self%C(12) = 0.9032588871651854_R_P
      self%stages = 13
      allocate(self%A(1:self%stages)) ; self%A = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%B(1:self%stages)) ; self%B = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%C(1:self%stages)) ; self%C = 0._R_P

      self%A(1 ) =  0._R_P                 ; self%B(1 ) = 0.0271990297818803_R_P ; self%C(1 ) = 0._R_P
      self%A(2 ) = -0.6160178650170565_R_P ; self%B(2 ) = 0.1772488819905108_R_P ; self%C(2 ) = 0.0271990297818803_R_P
      self%A(3 ) = -0.4449487060774118_R_P ; self%B(3 ) = 0.0378528418949694_R_P ; self%C(3 ) = 0.0952594339119365_R_P
      self%A(4 ) = -1.0952033345276178_R_P ; self%B(4 ) = 0.6086431830142991_R_P ; self%C(4 ) = 0.1266450286591127_R_P
      self%A(5 ) = -1.2256030785959187_R_P ; self%B(5 ) = 0.2154313974316100_R_P ; self%C(5 ) = 0.1825883045699772_R_P
      self%A(6 ) = -0.2740182222332805_R_P ; self%B(6 ) = 0.2066152563885843_R_P ; self%C(6 ) = 0.3737511439063931_R_P
      self%A(7 ) = -0.0411952089052647_R_P ; self%B(7 ) = 0.0415864076069797_R_P ; self%C(7 ) = 0.5301279418422206_R_P
      self%A(8 ) = -0.1797084899153560_R_P ; self%B(8 ) = 0.0219891884310925_R_P ; self%C(8 ) = 0.5704177433952291_R_P
      self%A(9 ) = -1.1771530652064288_R_P ; self%B(9 ) = 0.9893081222650993_R_P ; self%C(9 ) = 0.5885784947099155_R_P
      self%A(10) = -0.4078831463120878_R_P ; self%B(10) = 0.0063199019859826_R_P ; self%C(10) = 0.6160769826246714_R_P
      self%A(11) = -0.8295636426191777_R_P ; self%B(11) = 0.3749640721105318_R_P ; self%C(11) = 0.6223252334314046_R_P
      self%A(12) = -4.7895970584252288_R_P ; self%B(12) = 1.6080235151003195_R_P ; self%C(12) = 0.6897593128753419_R_P
      self%A(13) = -0.6606671432964504_R_P ; self%B(13) = 0.0961209123818189_R_P ; self%C(13) = 0.9126827615920843_R_P
      self%stages = 14
      allocate(self%A(1:self%stages)) ; self%A = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%B(1:self%stages)) ; self%B = 0._R_P
      allocate(self%C(1:self%stages)) ; self%C = 0._R_P

      self%A(1 ) =  0._R_P                 ; self%B(1 ) = 0.0367762454319673_R_P ; self%C(1 ) = 0._R_P
      self%A(2 ) = -0.7188012108672410_R_P ; self%B(2 ) = 0.3136296607553959_R_P ; self%C(2 ) = 0.0367762454319673_R_P
      self%A(3 ) = -0.7785331173421570_R_P ; self%B(3 ) = 0.1531848691869027_R_P ; self%C(3 ) = 0.1249685262725025_R_P
      self%A(4 ) = -0.0053282796654044_R_P ; self%B(4 ) = 0.0030097086818182_R_P ; self%C(4 ) = 0.2446177702277698_R_P
      self%A(5 ) = -0.8552979934029281_R_P ; self%B(5 ) = 0.3326293790646110_R_P ; self%C(5 ) = 0.2476149531070420_R_P
      self%A(6 ) = -3.9564138245774565_R_P ; self%B(6 ) = 0.2440251405350864_R_P ; self%C(6 ) = 0.2969311120382472_R_P
      self%A(7 ) = -1.5780575380587385_R_P ; self%B(7 ) = 0.3718879239592277_R_P ; self%C(7 ) = 0.3978149645802642_R_P
      self%A(8 ) = -2.0837094552574054_R_P ; self%B(8 ) = 0.6204126221582444_R_P ; self%C(8 ) = 0.5270854589440328_R_P
      self%A(9 ) = -0.7483334182761610_R_P ; self%B(9 ) = 0.1524043173028741_R_P ; self%C(9 ) = 0.6981269994175695_R_P
      self%A(10) = -0.7032861106563359_R_P ; self%B(10) = 0.0760894927419266_R_P ; self%C(10) = 0.8190890835352128_R_P
      self%A(11) =  0.0013917096117681_R_P ; self%B(11) = 0.0077604214040978_R_P ; self%C(11) = 0.8527059887098624_R_P
      self%A(12) = -0.0932075369637460_R_P ; self%B(12) = 0.0024647284755382_R_P ; self%C(12) = 0.8604711817462826_R_P
      self%A(13) = -0.9514200470875948_R_P ; self%B(13) = 0.0780348340049386_R_P ; self%C(13) = 0.8627060376969976_R_P
      self%A(14) = -7.1151571693922548_R_P ; self%B(14) = 5.5059777270269628_R_P ; self%C(14) = 0.8734213127600976_R_P
    self%registers = 2
    if (present(U)) call self%allocate_integrand_members(U=U)
    call self%trigger_error(error=ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME,                                   &
                            error_message='"'//trim(adjustl(scheme))//'" unsupported scheme', &
  endsubroutine initialize

  pure function registers_number()
  !< Return the number of registers used.
  integer(I_P) :: registers_number !< Number of registers used.

  registers_number = registers
  endfunction registers_number
endmodule foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage