FOODIE, Fortran Object oriented Ordinary Differential Equations integration library.
!< FOODIE, Fortran Object oriented Ordinary Differential Equations integration library. module foodie !< FOODIE, Fortran Object oriented Ordinary Differential Equations integration library. !< !< FOODIE is a KISS library for solving systems of Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) into the Initial Values Problems (IVP) !< contest. The mathematical formulation of the problem is: !< !< $$U_t = R(t,U)$$ !< $$U_0 = F(0)$$ !< !< where \(U_t = \frac{dU}{dt}\), *U* is the vector of *state* variables being a function of the time-like independent variable !< *t*, *R* is the (vectorial) residual function and *F* is the (vectorial) initial conditions function. !< !< FOODIE is aimed to the time-like integration of the above system of ODE. To this aim, different numerical schemes are provided: !< see [FOODIE home page]( for more details about available integrators. !< !<### Usage !< !< FOODIE schemes must be applied to only subclass extensions of the abstract class *integrand*. !< !< To use FOODIE you must: !< !<#### extend integrand abstract class provided by FOODIE implementing your concrete integrand field !< !< For example for the Lorenz' ODE system !< !<```fortran !< type, extends(integrand_object) :: lorenz !< !< Lorenz equations field. !< !< !< !< It is a FOODIE integrand class. !< private !< real(R_P), dimension(:), allocatable :: state !< Solution vector. !< real(R_P) :: sigma=0._R_P !< Lorenz \(\sigma\). !< real(R_P) :: rho=0._R_P !< Lorenz \(\rho\). !< real(R_P) :: beta=0._R_P !< Lorenz \(\beta\). !< contains !< procedure, pass(self), public :: t => dLorenz_dt !< Time derivate, resiuduals function. !< procedure, pass(lhs), public :: integrand_multiply_real => lorenz_multiply_real !< lorenz * real operator. !< procedure, pass(rhs), public :: real_multiply_integrand => real_multiply_lorenz !< Real * Lorenz operator. !< procedure, pass(lhs), public :: add => add_lorenz !< Lorenz + Lorenz oprator. !< procedure, pass(lhs), public :: assign_integrand => lorenz_assign_lorenz !< Lorenz = Lorenz. !< procedure, pass(lhs), public :: assign_real => lorenz_assign_real !< Lorenz = real. !< ... !< endtype lorenz !<``` !< !<#### use one of the provided FOODIE integrator !< !< For example using the forward explicit Euler scheme to the above Lorenz' ODE system !< !<```fortran !< use foodie, only : integrator_euler_explicit !< use type_lorenz, only : lorenz !< type(integrator_euler_explicit) :: euler_integrator !< type(lorenz) :: attractor !< real :: dt=0.01 !< do step = 1, num_steps !< call euler_integrator%integrate(field=attractor, dt=dt) !< enddo !<``` use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stderr=>error_unit use foodie_error_codes, only : ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME use foodie_integrand_object, only : integrand_object use foodie_integrator_object, only : integrator_object use foodie_integrator_adams_bashforth, only : integrator_adams_bashforth use foodie_integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton, only : integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton use foodie_integrator_adams_moulton, only : integrator_adams_moulton use foodie_integrator_backward_differentiation_formula, only : integrator_back_df use foodie_integrator_euler_explicit, only : integrator_euler_explicit use foodie_integrator_leapfrog, only : integrator_leapfrog use foodie_integrator_lmm_ssp, only : integrator_lmm_ssp use foodie_integrator_lmm_ssp_vss, only : integrator_lmm_ssp_vss use foodie_integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp, only : integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp use foodie_integrator_multistage_object, only : integrator_multistage_object use foodie_integrator_multistage_multistep_object, only : integrator_multistage_multistep_object use foodie_integrator_multistep_object, only : integrator_multistep_object use foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_emd, only : integrator_runge_kutta_emd use foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage, only : integrator_runge_kutta_ls use foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_lssp, only : integrator_runge_kutta_lssp use foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_ssp, only : integrator_runge_kutta_ssp use penf, only : I_P, R_P implicit none private ! helper procedures public :: foodie_integrator_class_names public :: foodie_integrator_factory public :: foodie_integrator_schemes public :: is_available public :: is_class_available public :: is_scheme_available ! abstract objects public :: integrand_object public :: integrator_object public :: integrator_multistage_object public :: integrator_multistage_multistep_object public :: integrator_multistep_object ! concrete objects public :: integrator_adams_bashforth public :: integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton public :: integrator_adams_moulton public :: integrator_back_df public :: integrator_euler_explicit public :: integrator_leapfrog public :: integrator_lmm_ssp public :: integrator_lmm_ssp_vss public :: integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp public :: integrator_runge_kutta_emd public :: integrator_runge_kutta_ls public :: integrator_runge_kutta_lssp public :: integrator_runge_kutta_ssp contains pure function foodie_integrator_class_names() result(names) !< Return the list of available intergrator class of schemes names. character(len=99), allocatable :: names(:) !< Available integrator class names. type(integrator_adams_bashforth) :: int_adams_bashforth !< Integrator Adams Bashforth. type(integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton) :: int_adams_bashforth_moulton !< Integrator Adams Bashforth Moulton. type(integrator_adams_moulton) :: int_adams_moulton !< Integrator Adams Moulton. type(integrator_back_df) :: int_back_df !< Integrator back differentiation formula. type(integrator_euler_explicit) :: int_euler_explicit !< Integrator euler explicit. type(integrator_leapfrog) :: int_leapfrog !< Integrator leapfrog. type(integrator_lmm_ssp) :: int_lmm_ssp !< Integrator lmm SSP. type(integrator_lmm_ssp_vss) :: int_lmm_ssp_vss !< Integrator lmm SSP VSS. type(integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp) :: int_ms_runge_kutta_ssp !< Integrator multistep Runge Kutta ssp. type(integrator_runge_kutta_emd) :: int_runge_kutta_emd !< Integrator Runge Kutta embdedded. type(integrator_runge_kutta_ls) :: int_runge_kutta_ls !< Integrator Runge Kutta low storage. type(integrator_runge_kutta_lssp) :: int_runge_kutta_lssp !< Integrator linear Runge Kutta SSP. type(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp) :: int_runge_kutta_ssp !< Integrator Runge Kutta SSP. names = [ int_adams_bashforth % class_name()] names = [names, int_adams_bashforth_moulton % class_name()] names = [names, int_adams_moulton % class_name()] names = [names, int_back_df % class_name()] names = [names, int_euler_explicit % class_name()] names = [names, int_leapfrog % class_name()] names = [names, int_lmm_ssp % class_name()] names = [names, int_lmm_ssp_vss % class_name()] names = [names, int_ms_runge_kutta_ssp % class_name()] names = [names, int_runge_kutta_emd % class_name()] names = [names, int_runge_kutta_ls % class_name()] names = [names, int_runge_kutta_lssp % class_name()] names = [names, int_runge_kutta_ssp % class_name()] endfunction foodie_integrator_class_names subroutine foodie_integrator_factory(scheme, integrator, stages, tolerance, nu, alpha, iterations, autoupdate, U) !< Return a concrete instance of [[integrator_object]] given a scheme selection. !< !< This is the FOODIE integrators factory. !< !< @note If an error occurs the error status of [[integrator_object]] is updated. character(*), intent(in) :: scheme !< Selected integrator given. class(integrator_object), allocatable, intent(out) :: integrator !< The FOODIE integrator. integer(I_P), optional, intent(in) :: stages !< Stages of multi-stage methods. real(R_P), optional, intent(in) :: tolerance !< Tolerance on the local truncation error. real(R_P), optional, intent(in) :: nu !< Williams-Robert-Asselin filter coefficient. real(R_P), optional, intent(in) :: alpha !< Robert-Asselin filter coefficient. integer(I_P), optional, intent(in) :: iterations !< Implicit iterations. logical, optional, intent(in) :: autoupdate !< Enable cyclic autoupdate for multistep. class(integrand_object), optional, intent(in) :: U !< Integrand molding prototype. type(integrator_adams_bashforth) :: int_adams_bashforth !< Integrator Adams Bashforth. type(integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton) :: int_adams_bashforth_moulton !< Integrator Adams Bashforth Moulton. type(integrator_adams_moulton) :: int_adams_moulton !< Integrator Adams Moulton. type(integrator_back_df) :: int_back_df !< Integrator back differentiation formula. type(integrator_euler_explicit) :: int_euler_explicit !< Integrator euler explicit. type(integrator_leapfrog) :: int_leapfrog !< Integrator leapfrog. type(integrator_lmm_ssp) :: int_lmm_ssp !< Integrator LMM SSP. type(integrator_lmm_ssp_vss) :: int_lmm_ssp_vss !< Integrator LMM SSP VSS. type(integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp) :: int_ms_runge_kutta_ssp !< Integrator multistep Runge Kutta ssp. type(integrator_runge_kutta_emd) :: int_runge_kutta_emd !< Integrator Runge Kutta_embdedded. type(integrator_runge_kutta_ls) :: int_runge_kutta_ls !< Integrator Runge Kutta low storage. type(integrator_runge_kutta_lssp) :: int_runge_kutta_lssp !< Integrator linear Runge Kutta SSP. type(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp) :: int_runge_kutta_ssp !< Integrator Runge Kutta SSP. if (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_adams_bashforth_moulton%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, iterations=iterations, autoupdate=autoupdate, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_adams_bashforth%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_adams_bashforth :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_adams_bashforth) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, autoupdate=autoupdate, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_adams_moulton%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_adams_moulton :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_adams_moulton) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, iterations=iterations, autoupdate=autoupdate, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_back_df%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_back_df :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_back_df) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, iterations=iterations, autoupdate=autoupdate, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_euler_explicit%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_euler_explicit :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_euler_explicit) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_leapfrog%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_leapfrog :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_leapfrog) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, nu=nu, alpha=alpha, autoupdate=autoupdate, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_lmm_ssp_vss%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_lmm_ssp_vss :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_lmm_ssp_vss) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, autoupdate=autoupdate, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_lmm_ssp%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_lmm_ssp :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_lmm_ssp) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, autoupdate=autoupdate, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_ms_runge_kutta_ssp%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, iterations=iterations, autoupdate=autoupdate, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_runge_kutta_emd%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_runge_kutta_emd :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_runge_kutta_emd) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, tolerance=tolerance, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_runge_kutta_lssp%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_runge_kutta_lssp :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_runge_kutta_lssp) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, stages=stages, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_runge_kutta_ls%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_runge_kutta_ls :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_runge_kutta_ls) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, U=U) endselect elseif (index(trim(adjustl(scheme)), trim(int_runge_kutta_ssp%class_name())) > 0) then allocate(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp :: integrator) select type(integrator) type is(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp) call integrator%initialize(scheme=scheme, U=U) endselect else write(stderr, '(A)')'error: "'//trim(adjustl(scheme))//'" scheme is unknown!' stop endif endsubroutine foodie_integrator_factory pure function foodie_integrator_schemes(class_name) result(schemes) !< Return the list of all available intergrator schemes, or only the schemes belonging to the given class name. !< !< @note In the case the class name passed is not available the schemes array is returned not allocated and not warnings are !< given: it is up to the caller to check the status of the schemes array. character(*), intent(in), optional :: class_name !< Return only the schemes belogn to the given class. character(len=99), allocatable :: schemes(:) !< Available integrators. type(integrator_adams_bashforth) :: int_adams_bashforth !< Integrator Adams Bashforth. type(integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton) :: int_adams_bashforth_moulton !< Integrator Adams Bashforth Moulton. type(integrator_adams_moulton) :: int_adams_moulton !< Integrator Adams Moulton. type(integrator_back_df) :: int_back_df !< Integrator back differentiation formula. type(integrator_euler_explicit) :: int_euler_explicit !< Integrator euler explicit. type(integrator_leapfrog) :: int_leapfrog !< Integrator leapfrog. type(integrator_lmm_ssp) :: int_lmm_ssp !< Integrator lmm SSP. type(integrator_lmm_ssp_vss) :: int_lmm_ssp_vss !< Integrator lmm SSP VSS. type(integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp) :: int_ms_runge_kutta_ssp !< Integrator multistep Runge Kutta ssp. type(integrator_runge_kutta_emd) :: int_runge_kutta_emd !< Integrator Runge Kutta embdedded. type(integrator_runge_kutta_ls) :: int_runge_kutta_ls !< Integrator Runge Kutta low storage. type(integrator_runge_kutta_lssp) :: int_runge_kutta_lssp !< Integrator linear Runge Kutta SSP. type(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp) :: int_runge_kutta_ssp !< Integrator Runge Kutta SSP. if (present(class_name)) then if (trim(int_adams_bashforth%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_adams_bashforth%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_adams_bashforth_moulton%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_adams_bashforth_moulton%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_adams_moulton%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_adams_moulton%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_back_df%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_back_df%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_euler_explicit%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_euler_explicit%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_leapfrog%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_leapfrog%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_lmm_ssp%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_lmm_ssp%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_lmm_ssp_vss%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_lmm_ssp_vss%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_ms_runge_kutta_ssp%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_ms_runge_kutta_ssp%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_runge_kutta_emd%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_runge_kutta_emd%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_runge_kutta_ls%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_runge_kutta_ls%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_runge_kutta_lssp%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_runge_kutta_lssp%supported_schemes() elseif (trim(int_runge_kutta_ssp%class_name()) == trim(adjustl(class_name))) then schemes = int_runge_kutta_ssp%supported_schemes() endif else schemes = int_adams_bashforth % supported_schemes() schemes = [schemes, int_adams_bashforth_moulton % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_adams_moulton % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_back_df % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_euler_explicit % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_leapfrog % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_lmm_ssp % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_lmm_ssp_vss % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_ms_runge_kutta_ssp % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_runge_kutta_emd % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_runge_kutta_ls % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_runge_kutta_lssp % supported_schemes()] schemes = [schemes, int_runge_kutta_ssp % supported_schemes()] endif endfunction foodie_integrator_schemes pure function is_available(scheme) !< Return .true. if the given scheme (or class of schemes name) is available in the FOODIE library. character(*), intent(in) :: scheme !< Selected integrator given. logical :: is_available !< Availability result. is_available = is_class_available(scheme=scheme) if (is_available) return is_available = is_scheme_available(scheme=scheme) if (is_available) return endfunction is_available pure function is_class_available(scheme) !< Return .true. if the given class of schemes name is available. character(*), intent(in) :: scheme !< Selected integrator given. logical :: is_class_available !< Availability result. character(99), allocatable :: integrator_class_names(:) !< Name of FOODIE integrator classes. integer(I_P) :: i !< Counter. integrator_class_names = foodie_integrator_class_names() is_class_available = .false. do i=1, size(integrator_class_names, dim=1) is_class_available = (trim(adjustl(scheme))==trim(adjustl(integrator_class_names(i)))) if (is_class_available) return enddo endfunction is_class_available pure function is_scheme_available(scheme) !< Return .true. if the given scheme (class name) is available in the FOODIE library. character(*), intent(in) :: scheme !< Selected integrator given. logical :: is_scheme_available !< Availability result. character(99), allocatable :: integrator_schemes(:) !< Name of FOODIE integrator schemes. integer(I_P) :: i !< Counter. integrator_schemes = foodie_integrator_schemes() is_scheme_available = .false. do i=1, size(integrator_schemes, dim=1) is_scheme_available = (trim(adjustl(scheme))==trim(adjustl(integrator_schemes(i)))) if (is_scheme_available) return enddo endfunction is_scheme_available endmodule foodie