FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Adams-Bashforth multi-step schemes, from 1st to 16th order accurate.
!< FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Adams-Bashforth multi-step schemes, from 1st to 16th order accurate. module foodie_integrator_adams_bashforth !< FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Adams-Bashforth multi-step schemes, from 1st to 16th order accurate. !< !< Considering the following ODE system: !< !< $$ U_t = R(t,U) $$ !< !< where \(U_t = \frac{dU}{dt}\), *U* is the vector of *state* variables being a function of the time-like independent variable !< *t*, *R* is the (vectorial) residual function, the Adams-Bashforth class scheme implemented is: !< !< $$ U^{n+N_s} = U^{n+N_s-1} +\Delta t \left[ \sum_{s=1}^{N_s}{ b_s \cdot R(t^{n+s-1}, U^{n+s-1}) } \right] $$ !< !<where \(N_s\) is the number of previous steps considered. !< !< @note The value of \(\Delta t\) must be provided, it not being computed by the integrator. !< !< The schemes are explicit. The coefficients *b* define the actual scheme, that is selected accordingly to the number of !< **steps** used. Currently, the schemes provided have steps number in *[1, 16]*. Note that the scheme using only 1 step reverts !< to Explicit Forward Euler. The formal order of accuracy varies consistently in *[1st, 16th]* order. !< !<#### Bibliography !< [1] *Cowell Type Numerical Integration As Applied to Satellite Orbit Computation*, J. L. Maury Jr., !< G. P. Segal, X-553-69-46, April 1969, [NASA-TM-X-63542]( !< !< [2] *Linear multistep method*, [wikipedia article]( use foodie_error_codes, only : ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME use foodie_integrand_object, only : integrand_object use foodie_integrator_multistep_object, only : integrator_multistep_object use foodie_integrator_object, only : integrator_object use penf, only : I_P, R_P implicit none private public :: integrator_adams_bashforth character(len=99), parameter :: class_name_='adams_bashforth' !< Name of the class of schemes. character(len=99), parameter :: supported_schemes_(1:16)=[trim(class_name_)//'_1 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_2 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_3 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_4 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_5 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_6 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_7 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_8 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_9 ', & trim(class_name_)//'_10', & trim(class_name_)//'_11', & trim(class_name_)//'_12', & trim(class_name_)//'_13', & trim(class_name_)//'_14', & trim(class_name_)//'_15', & trim(class_name_)//'_16'] !< List of supported schemes. logical, parameter :: has_fast_mode_=.true. !< Flag to check if integrator provides *fast mode* integrate. type, extends(integrator_multistep_object) :: integrator_adams_bashforth !< FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Adams-Bashforth multi-step schemes, from 1st to 16th order accurate. !< !< @note The integrator must be created or initialized (initialize the *b* coefficients) before used. !< !< @note The time steps `Dt(1:steps)` passed to the integrate methods must be identical: this integrator supports only !< fixed time steps. private real(R_P), allocatable :: b(:) !< *b* coefficients. contains ! deferred methods procedure, pass(self) :: class_name !< Return the class name of schemes. procedure, pass(self) :: has_fast_mode !< Return .true. if the integrator class has *fast mode* integrate. procedure, pass(lhs) :: integr_assign_integr !< Operator `=`. procedure, pass(self) :: integrate !< Integrate integrand field. procedure, pass(self) :: integrate_fast !< Integrate integrand field, fast mode. procedure, pass(self) :: is_supported !< Return .true. if the integrator class support the given scheme. procedure, pass(self) :: supported_schemes !< Return the list of supported schemes. ! public methods procedure, pass(self) :: destroy !< Destroy the integrator. procedure, pass(self) :: initialize !< Initialize (create) the integrator. endtype integrator_adams_bashforth contains ! deferred methods pure function class_name(self) !< Return the class name of schemes. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(in) :: self !< Integrator. character(len=99) :: class_name !< Class name. class_name = trim(adjustl(class_name_)) endfunction class_name elemental function has_fast_mode(self) !< Return .true. if the integrator class has *fast mode* integrate. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(in) :: self !< Integrator. logical :: has_fast_mode !< Inquire result. has_fast_mode = has_fast_mode_ endfunction has_fast_mode subroutine integr_assign_integr(lhs, rhs) !< Operator `=`. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(integrator_object), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. call lhs%assign_multistep(rhs=rhs) select type(rhs) class is (integrator_adams_bashforth) if (allocated(rhs%b)) lhs%b = rhs%b endselect endsubroutine integr_assign_integr subroutine integrate(self, U, Dt, t) !< Integrate field with Adams-Bashforth class scheme. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(inout) :: self !< Integrator. class(integrand_object), intent(inout) :: U !< Field to be integrated. real(R_P), intent(in) :: Dt !< Time step. real(R_P), intent(in) :: t !< Time. integer(I_P) :: s !< Steps counter. do s=1, self%steps U = U + (self%previous(s)%t(t=self%t(s)) * (Dt * self%b(s))) enddo if (self%autoupdate) call self%update_previous(U=U, previous=self%previous, Dt=Dt, t=t, previous_t=self%t) endsubroutine integrate subroutine integrate_fast(self, U, Dt, t) !< Integrate field with Adams-Bashforth class scheme, fast mode. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(inout) :: self !< Integrator. class(integrand_object), intent(inout) :: U !< Field to be integrated. real(R_P), intent(in) :: Dt !< Time step. real(R_P), intent(in) :: t !< Time. integer(I_P) :: s !< Steps counter. do s=1, self%steps self%buffer = self%previous(s) call self%buffer%t_fast(t=self%t(s)) call self%buffer%multiply_fast(lhs=self%buffer, rhs=Dt * self%b(s)) call U%add_fast(lhs=U, rhs=self%buffer) enddo if (self%autoupdate) call self%update_previous(U=U, previous=self%previous, Dt=Dt, t=t, previous_t=self%t) endsubroutine integrate_fast elemental function is_supported(self, scheme) !< Return .true. if the integrator class support the given scheme. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(in) :: self !< Integrator. character(*), intent(in) :: scheme !< Selected scheme. logical :: is_supported !< Inquire result. integer(I_P) :: s !< Counter. is_supported = .false. do s=lbound(supported_schemes_, dim=1), ubound(supported_schemes_, dim=1) if (trim(adjustl(scheme)) == trim(adjustl(supported_schemes_(s)))) then is_supported = .true. return endif enddo endfunction is_supported pure function supported_schemes(self) result(schemes) !< Return the list of supported schemes. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(in) :: self !< Integrator. character(len=99), allocatable :: schemes(:) !< Queried scheme. allocate(schemes(lbound(supported_schemes_, dim=1):ubound(supported_schemes_, dim=1))) schemes = supported_schemes_ endfunction supported_schemes ! public methods elemental subroutine destroy(self) !< Destroy the integrator. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(inout) :: self !< Integrator. call self%destroy_multistep if (allocated(self%b)) deallocate(self%b) endsubroutine destroy subroutine initialize(self, scheme, autoupdate, U, stop_on_fail) !< Create the actual Adams-Bashforth integrator: initialize the *b* coefficients. !< !< @note If the integrator is initialized with a bad (unsupported) number of required time steps the initialization fails and !< the integrator error status is updated consistently for external-provided errors handling. class(integrator_adams_bashforth), intent(inout) :: self !< Integrator. character(*), intent(in) :: scheme !< Selected scheme. logical, intent(in), optional :: autoupdate !< Enable cyclic autoupdate of previous time steps. class(integrand_object), intent(in), optional :: U !< Integrand molding prototype. logical, intent(in), optional :: stop_on_fail !< Stop execution if initialization fail. if (self%is_supported(scheme=scheme)) then call self%destroy self%description_ = trim(adjustl(scheme)) select case(trim(adjustl(scheme))) case('adams_bashforth_1') self%steps = 1 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = 1.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_2') self%steps = 2 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = -1.0_R_P/2.0_R_P self%b(2) = 3.0_R_P/2.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_3') self%steps = 3 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = 5.0_R_P/12.0_R_P self%b(2) = -16.0_R_P/12.0_R_P self%b(3) = 23.0_R_P/12.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_4') self%steps = 4 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = -9.0_R_P/24.0_R_P self%b(2) = 37.0_R_P/24.0_R_P self%b(3) = -59.0_R_P/24.0_R_P self%b(4) = 55.0_R_P/24.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_5') self%steps = 5 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = 251.0_R_P/720.0_R_P self%b(2) = -1274.0_R_P/720.0_R_P self%b(3) = 2616.0_R_P/720.0_R_P self%b(4) = -2774.0_R_P/720.0_R_P self%b(5) = 1901.0_R_P/720.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_6') self%steps = 6 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = -475.0_R_P/1440.0_R_P self%b(2) = 2877.0_R_P/1440.0_R_P self%b(3) = -7298.0_R_P/1440.0_R_P self%b(4) = 9982.0_R_P/1440.0_R_P self%b(5) = -7923.0_R_P/1440.0_R_P self%b(6) = 4277.0_R_P/1440.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_7') self%steps = 7 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = 19087.0_R_P/60480.0_R_P self%b(2) = -134472.0_R_P/60480.0_R_P self%b(3) = 407139.0_R_P/60480.0_R_P self%b(4) = -688256.0_R_P/60480.0_R_P self%b(5) = 705549.0_R_P/60480.0_R_P self%b(6) = -447288.0_R_P/60480.0_R_P self%b(7) = 198721.0_R_P/60480.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_8') self%steps = 8 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = -36799.0_R_P/120960.0_R_P self%b(2) = 295767.0_R_P/120960.0_R_P self%b(3) = -1041723.0_R_P/120960.0_R_P self%b(4) = 2102243.0_R_P/120960.0_R_P self%b(5) = -2664477.0_R_P/120960.0_R_P self%b(6) = 2183877.0_R_P/120960.0_R_P self%b(7) = -1152169.0_R_P/120960.0_R_P self%b(8) = 434241.0_R_P/120960.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_9') self%steps = 9 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = 1070017.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P self%b(2) = -9664106.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P self%b(3) = 38833486.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P self%b(4) = -91172642.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P self%b(5) = 137968480.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P self%b(6) = -139855262.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P self%b(7) = 95476786.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P self%b(8) = -43125206.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P self%b(9) = 14097247.0_R_P/3628800.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_10') self%steps = 10 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = -2082753.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(2) = 20884811.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(3) = -94307320.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(4) = 252618224.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(5) = -444772162.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(6) = 538363838.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(7) = -454661776.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(8) = 265932680.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(9) = -104995189.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P self%b(10) = 30277247.0_R_P/7257600.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_11') self%steps = 11 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = 134211265.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(2) = -1479574348.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(3) = 7417904451.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(4) = -22329634920.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(5) = 44857168434.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(6) = -63176201472.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(7) = 63716378958.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(8) = -46113029016.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(9) = 23591063805.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(10) = -8271795124.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P self%b(11) = 2132509567.0_R_P/479001600.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_12') self%steps = 12 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = -262747265.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(2) = 3158642445.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(3) = -17410248271.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(4) = 58189107627.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(5) = -131365867290.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(6) = 211103573298.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(7) = -247741639374.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(8) = 214139355366.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(9) = -135579356757.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(10) = 61633227185.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(11) = -19433810163.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P self%b(12) = 4527766399.0_R_P/958003200.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_13') self%steps = 13 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = 703604254357.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(2) = -9160551085734.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(3) = 55060974662412.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(4) = -202322913738370.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(5) = 507140369728425.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(6) = -915883387152444.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(7) = 1226443086129408.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(8) = -1233589244941764.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(9) = 932884546055895.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(10) = -524924579905150.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(11) = 214696591002612.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(12) = -61497552797274.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P self%b(13) = 13064406523627.0_R_P/2615348736000.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_14') self%steps = 14 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = -1382741929621.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(2) = 19382853593787.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(3) = -126174972681906.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(4) = 505586141196430.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(5) = -1393306307155755.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(6) = 2793869602879077.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(7) = -4204551925534524.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(8) = 4825671323488452.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(9) = -4246767353305755.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(10) = 2854429571790805.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(11) = -1445313351681906.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(12) = 537247052515662.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(13) = -140970750679621.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P self%b(14) = 27511554976875.0_R_P/5230697472000.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_15') self%steps = 15 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = 8164168737599.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(2) = -122594813904112.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(3) = 859236476684231.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(4) = -3728807256577472.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(5) = 11205849753515179.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(6) = -24704503655607728.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(7) = 41280216336284259.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(8) = -53246738660646912.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(9) = 53471026659940509.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(10) = -41825269932507728.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(11) = 25298910337081429.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(12) = -11643637530577472.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(13) = 3966421670215481.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(14) = -960122866404112.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P self%b(15) = 173233498598849.0_R_P/31384184832000.0_R_P case('adams_bashforth_16') self%steps = 16 ; allocate(self%b(1:self%steps)) ; self%b = 0.0_R_P self%b(1) = -16088129229375.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(2) = 257650275915823.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(3) = -1934443196892599.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(4) = 9038571752734087.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(5) = -29417910911251819.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(6) = 70724351582843483.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(7) = -129930094104237331.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(8) = 186087544263596643.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(9) = -210020588912321949.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(10) = 187463140112902893.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(11) = -131963191940828581.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(12) = 72558117072259733.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(13) = -30607373860520569.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(14) = 9622096909515337.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(15) = -2161567671248849.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P self%b(16) = 362555126427073.0_R_P/62768369664000.0_R_P endselect self%autoupdate = .true. ; if (present(autoupdate)) self%autoupdate = autoupdate self%registers = self%steps if (present(U)) call self%allocate_integrand_members(U=U) else call self%trigger_error(error=ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME, & error_message='"'//trim(adjustl(scheme))//'" unsupported scheme', & is_severe=stop_on_fail) endif endsubroutine initialize endmodule foodie_integrator_adams_bashforth