File | Description |
burgers.f90 | Test FOODIE with the integration of Burgers equation. |
euler-1D-caf.f90 | Test FOODIE with the integration of Euler 1D PDEs system. |
euler-1D-caf_no_foodie.f90 | Test without FOODIE with the integration of Euler 1D PDEs system by CAF paradigm. |
euler-1D-openmp.f90 | Test FOODIE with the integration of Euler 1D PDEs system. |
euler-1D-openmp_no_foodie.f90 | Test without FOODIE with the integration of Euler 1D PDEs system by OpenMP paradigm. |
euler-1D.f90 | Test FOODIE with the integration of Euler 1D PDEs system. |
foodie.f90 | FOODIE, Fortran Object oriented Ordinary Differential Equations integration library. |
foodie_error_codes.f90 | FOODIE error codes list. |
foodie_integrand_object.F90 | Define the abstract type integrand for building FOODIE ODE integrators. |
foodie_integrator_adams_bashforth.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Adams-Bashforth multi-step schemes, from 1st to 16th order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_adams_bashforth_moulton.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide a predictor-corrector class of Adams-Bashforth-Moutlon multi-step schemes, from 1st to 4rd order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_adams_moulton.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an implicit class of Adams-Moutlon multi-step schemes, from 1st to 16th order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_backward_differentiation_formula.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an implicit class of Backward Differentiation Formula schemes, from 1st to 6th order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_euler_explicit.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide explicit Euler scheme, it being 1st order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_leapfrog.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of leapfrog multi-step schemes, 2nd order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_lmm_ssp.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Linear Multi-step Methods (LLM) with Strong Stability Preserving property, from 2nd to 3rd order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_lmm_ssp_vss.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Linear Multi-step Methods (LLM) with Strong Stability Preserving property and variable stepsize (VSS), from 2nd to 3rd order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_ms_runge_kutta_ssp.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Multi-step Runge-Kutta Methods with Strong Stability Preserving property, from 2nd to 3rd order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_multistage_multistep_object.f90 | Define the abstract type integrator_multistage_multistep_object of FOODIE ODE integrators. |
foodie_integrator_multistage_object.f90 | Define the abstract type integrator_multistage_object of FOODIE ODE integrators. |
foodie_integrator_multistep_object.f90 | Define the abstract type integrator_multistep_object of FOODIE ODE integrators. |
foodie_integrator_object.f90 | Define the abstract type integrator_object of FOODIE ODE integrators. |
foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_embedded.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of embedded Runge-Kutta schemes, from 2nd to 10th order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_low_storage.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of low storage Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to 4th order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_lssp.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of Linear SSP Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to s-th order accurate. |
foodie_integrator_runge_kutta_ssp.f90 | FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of SSP Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to 4th order accurate. |
foodie_test_integrand_ladvection.f90 | Define integrand_ladvection, the 1D linear advection PDE test field that is a concrete extension of the abstract integrand type. |
foodie_test_integrand_lcce.f90 | Define integrand_lcce, the linear constant coefficients equation test field that is a concrete extension of the abstract integrand type. |
foodie_test_integrand_oscillation.f90 | Define integrand_oscillation, the Oscillation test field that is a concrete extension of the abstract integrand type. |
foodie_test_integrand_tester_object.f90 | Define integrand_tester_object, the abstract tester integrand. |
foodie_test_lcce.f90 | Test FOODIE with the integration of linear constant coefficients equation. |
foodie_test_oscillation.f90 | Test FOODIE with the integration of Oscillation equations. |
foodie_tester.f90 | Tester factory of FOODIE integrators. |
foodie_utils.f90 | FOODIE utils: module of (possible) unrelated utilities of FOODIE library. |
lorenz.f90 | Test FOODIE with the integration of Lorenz equations. |
type_burgers.f90 | Define Burgers field that is a concrete extension of the abstract integrand type. |
type_euler-1D-caf.f90 | Define Euler 1D (CAF enabled) field that is a concrete extension of the abstract integrand type. |
type_euler-1D-caf_no_foodie.f90 | Define Euler 1D (CAF enabled) field without extending FOODIE integrand. |
type_euler-1D-openmp.f90 | Define Euler 1D (OpenMP enabled) field that is a concrete extension of the abstract integrand type. |
type_euler-1D-openmp_no_foodie.f90 | Define Euler 1D (OpenMP enabled) field without extending FOODIE integrand. |
type_euler-1D.f90 | Define Euler 1D field that is a concrete extension of the abstract integrand type. |
type_lorenz.f90 | Define Lorenz field that is a concrete extension of the abstract integrand type. |