euler_1D_caf_nf Derived Type

type, public :: euler_1D_caf_nf

type~~euler_1d_caf_nf~~InheritsGraph type~euler_1d_caf_nf euler_1D_caf_nf weno_interpolator_upwind weno_interpolator_upwind weno_interpolator_upwind->type~euler_1d_caf_nf weno

Euler 1D (CAF enabled) PDEs system field.

1D Euler PDEs system

The 1D Euler PDEs system considered is a non linear, hyperbolic (inviscid) system of conservation laws for compressible gas dynamics, that reads as $$ \begin{matrix} U_t = R(U) \Leftrightarrow U_t = F(U)_x \\ U = \begin{bmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \\ \rho E \end{bmatrix}\;\;\; F(U) = \begin{bmatrix} \rho u \\ \rho u^2 + p \\ \rho u H \end{bmatrix} \end{matrix} $$ where \(\rho\) is the density, \(u\) is the velocity, \(p\) the pressure, \(E\) the total internal specific energy and \(H\) the total specific enthalpy. The PDEs system must completed with the proper initial and boundary conditions. Moreover, an ideal (thermally and calorically perfect) gas is considered $$ \begin{matrix} R = c_p - c_v \\ \gamma = \frac{c_p}{c_v}\\ e = c_v T \\ h = c_p T \end{matrix} $$ where R is the gas constant, \(c_p\,c_v\) are the specific heats at constant pressure and volume (respectively), e is the internal energy, h is the internal enthalpy and T is the temperature. The following addition equations of state hold: $$ \begin{matrix} T = \frac{p}{\rho R} \\ E = \rho e + \frac{1}{2} \rho u^2 \\ H = \rho h + \frac{1}{2} \rho u^2 \\ a = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma p}{\rho}} \end{matrix} $$

Multi-fluid Euler PDEs system

An extension of the above Euler system is considered allowing the modelling of a multi-fluid mixture of different gas (with different physical characteristics). The well known Standard Thermodynamic Model is used to model the gas mixture replacing the density with the density fraction of each specie composing the mixture. This led to the following system: $$ \begin{matrix} U_t = R(U) \Leftrightarrow U_t = F(U)_x \\ U = \begin{bmatrix} \rho_s \\ \rho u \\ \rho E \end{bmatrix}\;\;\; F(U) = \begin{bmatrix} \rho_s u \\ \rho u^2 + p \\ \rho u H \end{bmatrix}\;\;\; for\; s=1,2,...N_s \\ \rho = \sum_{s=1}^{N_s}\rho_s \\ c_p = \sum_{s=1}^{N_S} \frac{\rho_s}{\rho} c_{p,s} \quad c_v = \sum_{s=1}^{N_S} \frac{\rho_s}{\rho} c_{v,s} \end{matrix} $$ where \(N_s\) is the number of initial species composing the gas mixture.

Numerical grid organization

The finite volume, Godunov's like approach is employed. The conservative variables (and the primitive ones) are co-located at the cell center. The cell and (inter)faces numeration is as follow.

                cell            (inter)faces
                 |                   |
                 v                   v
     | 1-Ng  | 2-Ng  | ..... |  -1   |   0   |   1   |  2    | ..... |  Ni   | Ni+1  | Ni+1  | ..... |Ni+Ng-1| Ni+Ng |
    0-Ng                             -1      0       1       2      Ni-1     Ni                                    Ni+Ng

Where Ni are the finite volumes (cells) used for discretizing the domain and Ng are the ghost cells used for imposing the left and right boundary conditions (for a total of 2Ng cells).

Primitive variables organization

Primitive variables are organized as an array of reals which the first index means:

  • 1 : density of species 1 (r1)
  • 2 : density of species 2 (r2)
  • … :
  • s : density of species s-th (rs)
  • … :
  • Ns : density of species Ns (rNs)
  • Ns+1 : velocity (u)
  • Ns+2 : pressure (p)
  • Ns+3 : density (r=sum(rs))
  • Ns+4 : specific heats ratio (g)

Conservative variables organization

Conservative variables are organized as an array (rank 2) of reals which the first index means:

  • 1 : mass conservation of species 1 (r1)
  • 2 : mass conservation of species 2 (r2)
  • … :
  • s : mass conservation of species s-th (rs)
  • … :
  • Ns : mass conservation of species Ns (rNs)
  • Ns+1 : momentum conservation (r*u)
  • Ns+2 : energy conservation (r*E)

Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
character(len=:), private, allocatable:: BC_L

Left boundary condition type.

character(len=:), private, allocatable:: BC_R

Right boundary condition type.

real(kind=R_P), private :: Dx =0._R_P

Space step.

integer(kind=I_P), private :: Nc =0

Number of conservative variables, Ns+2.

integer(kind=I_P), private :: Ng =0

Number of ghost cells for boundary conditions handling.

integer(kind=I_P), private :: Ni =0

Space dimension.

integer(kind=I_P), private :: Np =0

Number of primitive variables, Ns+4.

integer(kind=I_P), private :: Ns =0

Number of initial species.

real(kind=R_P), private, allocatable:: U(:,:)

Integrand (state) variables, whole physical domain [1:Nc,1:Ni].

real(kind=R_P), private, allocatable:: cp0(:)

Specific heat cp of initial species [1:Ns].

real(kind=R_P), private, allocatable:: cv0(:)

Specific heat cv of initial species [1:Ns].

integer(kind=I_P), private :: me =0

ID of this_image().

integer(kind=I_P), private :: ord =0

Space accuracy formal order.

integer(kind=I_P), private :: we =0

Number of CAF images used.

type(weno_interpolator_upwind), private :: weno

WENO interpolator.

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: assign_integrand => euler_assign_euler

Euler = Euler.

  • private subroutine euler_assign_euler(lhs, rhs)

    Assign one Euler field to another.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(inout) :: lhs

    Left hand side.

    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: rhs

    Right hand side.

generic, public :: assignment(=) => assign_integrand

Overloading = assignament.

  • private subroutine euler_assign_euler(lhs, rhs)

    Assign one Euler field to another.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(inout) :: lhs

    Left hand side.

    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: rhs

    Right hand side.

procedure, private, pass(self) :: conservative2primitive

Convert conservative variables to primitive ones.

  • private pure function conservative2primitive(self, conservative) result(primitive)

    Convert conservative variables to primitive variables.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: conservative(:)

    Conservative variables.

    Return Value real(kind=R_P) (1:self%Np)

    Primitive variables.

procedure, public, pass(self) :: destroy

Destroy field.

  • private subroutine destroy(self)

    Destroy field.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(inout) :: self

    Euler field.

procedure, public, pass(self) :: dt => compute_dt

Compute the current time step, by means of CFL condition.

  • private pure function compute_dt(self, Nmax, Tmax, t, CFL) result(Dt)

    Compute the current time step by means of CFL condition.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

    integer(kind=I_P), intent(in) :: Nmax

    Maximun number of iterates.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: Tmax

    Maximum time (ignored if Nmax>0).

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: t


    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: CFL

    CFL value.

    Return Value real(kind=R_P)

    Time step.

procedure, private, pass(self) :: impose_boundary_conditions

Impose boundary conditions.

  • private subroutine impose_boundary_conditions(self, primitive)

    Impose boundary conditions.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(inout) :: primitive(1:self%Np,1-self%Ng:self%Ni+self%Ng)

    Primitive variables [1:Np,1-Ng:Ni+Ng].

procedure, public, pass(self) :: init

Init field.

  • private subroutine init(self, Ni, Ns, Dx, BC_L, BC_R, initial_state, cp0, cv0, me, we, ord)

    Init field.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(inout) :: self

    Euler field.

    integer(kind=I_P), intent(in) :: Ni

    Space dimension (local image).

    integer(kind=I_P), intent(in) :: Ns

    Number of initial species.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: Dx

    Space step.

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: BC_L

    Left boundary condition type.

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: BC_R

    Right boundary condition type.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: initial_state(:,:)

    Initial state of primitive variables.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: cp0(:)

    Initial specific heat, constant pressure.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: cv0(:)

    Initial specific heat, constant volume.

    integer(kind=I_P), intent(in) :: me

    ID of this_image().

    integer(kind=I_P), intent(in) :: we

    Number of CAF images used.

    integer(kind=I_P), intent(in), optional :: ord

    Space accuracy formal order.

procedure, public, pass(self) :: output

Extract Euler field.

  • private pure function output(self, conservative) result(state)

    Output the Euler field state (primitive variables).


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

    logical, intent(in), optional :: conservative

    Output conservative variables instead of primitive.

    Return Value real(kind=R_P), dimension(:,:), allocatable

    Euler state vector.

procedure, private, pass(self) :: primitive2conservative

Convert primitive variables to conservative ones.

  • private pure function primitive2conservative(self, primitive) result(conservative)

    Convert primitive variables to conservative variables.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: primitive(:)

    Primitive variables.

    Return Value real(kind=R_P) (1:self%Nc)

    Conservative variables.

procedure, private, pass(self) :: reconstruct_interfaces_states

Reconstruct interfaces states.

  • private subroutine reconstruct_interfaces_states(self, primitive, r_primitive)

    Reconstruct the interfaces states (into primitive variables formulation) by the requested order of accuracy.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: primitive(1:self%Np,1-self%Ng:self%Ni+self%Ng)

    Primitive variables.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(inout) :: r_primitive(1:self%Np,1:2,0:self%Ni+1)

    Reconstructed primitive variables.

procedure, private, pass(self) :: riemann_solver

Solve the Riemann Problem at cell interfaces.

  • private pure subroutine riemann_solver(self, p1, r1, u1, g1, p4, r4, u4, g4, F)

    Solve the Riemann problem between the state $1$ and $4$ using the (local) Lax Friedrichs (Rusanov) solver.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: p1

    Pressure of state 1.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: r1

    Density of state 1.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: u1

    Velocity of state 1.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: g1

    Specific heats ratio of state 1.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: p4

    Pressure of state 4.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: r4

    Density of state 4.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: u4

    Velocity of state 4.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: g4

    Specific heats ratio of state 4.

    real(kind=R_P), intent(out) :: F(1:self%Nc)

    Resulting fluxes.

procedure, private, pass(self) :: synchronize

Synchronize CAF images.

  • private subroutine synchronize(self)

    Synchronize CAF images.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

procedure, private, pass(self) :: t => dEuler_dt

Time derivative, residuals function.

  • private function dEuler_dt(self) result(dState_dt)

    Time derivative of Euler field, the residuals function.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(euler_1D_caf_nf), intent(in) :: self

    Euler field.

    Return Value type(euler_1D_caf_nf)

    Euler field time derivative.

Source Code

type :: euler_1D_caf_nf
  !< Euler 1D (CAF enabled) PDEs system field.
  !< @note This object does not use FOODIE.
  !<### 1D Euler PDEs system
  !< The 1D Euler PDEs system considered is a non linear, hyperbolic (inviscid) system of conservation laws for compressible gas
  !< dynamics, that reads as
  !<U_t = R(U)  \Leftrightarrow U_t = F(U)_x \\
  !<U = \begin{bmatrix}
  !<\rho \\
  !<\rho u \\
  !<\rho E
  !<F(U) = \begin{bmatrix}
  !<\rho u \\
  !<\rho u^2 + p \\
  !<\rho u H
  !< where \(\rho\) is the density, \(u\) is the velocity, \(p\) the pressure, \(E\) the total internal specific energy and \(H\)
  !< the total specific enthalpy. The PDEs system must completed with the proper initial and boundary conditions. Moreover, an ideal
  !< (thermally and calorically perfect) gas is considered
  !<R = c_p - c_v \\
  !<\gamma = \frac{c_p}{c_v}\\
  !<e = c_v T \\
  !<h = c_p T
  !< where *R* is the gas constant, \(c_p\,c_v\) are the specific heats at constant pressure and volume (respectively), *e* is the
  !< internal energy, *h* is the internal enthalpy and *T* is the temperature. The following addition equations of state hold:
  !<T = \frac{p}{\rho R} \\
  !<E = \rho e + \frac{1}{2} \rho u^2 \\
  !<H = \rho h + \frac{1}{2} \rho u^2 \\
  !<a = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma p}{\rho}}
  !<### Multi-fluid Euler PDEs system
  !< An extension of the above Euler system is considered allowing the modelling of a multi-fluid mixture of different gas (with
  !< different physical characteristics). The well known Standard Thermodynamic Model is used to model the gas mixture replacing the
  !< density with the density fraction of each specie composing the mixture. This led to the following system:
  !<U_t = R(U)  \Leftrightarrow U_t = F(U)_x \\
  !<U = \begin{bmatrix}
  !<\rho_s \\
  !<\rho u \\
  !<\rho E
  !<F(U) = \begin{bmatrix}
  !<\rho_s u \\
  !<\rho u^2 + p \\
  !<\rho u H
  !<\end{bmatrix}\;\;\; for\; s=1,2,...N_s \\
  !<\rho = \sum_{s=1}^{N_s}\rho_s \\
  !<c_p = \sum_{s=1}^{N_S} \frac{\rho_s}{\rho} c_{p,s} \quad  c_v = \sum_{s=1}^{N_S} \frac{\rho_s}{\rho} c_{v,s}
  !< where \(N_s\) is the number of initial species composing the gas mixture.
  !<#### Numerical grid organization
  !< The finite volume, Godunov's like approach is employed. The conservative variables (and the primitive ones) are co-located at
  !< the cell center. The cell and (inter)faces numeration is as follow.
  !<                cell            (inter)faces
  !<                 |                   |
  !<                 v                   v
  !<     |-------|-------|-.....-|-------|-------|-------|-------|-.....-|-------|-------|-------|-.....-|-------|-------|
  !<     | 1-Ng  | 2-Ng  | ..... |  -1   |   0   |   1   |  2    | ..... |  Ni   | Ni+1  | Ni+1  | ..... |Ni+Ng-1| Ni+Ng |
  !<     |-------|-------|-.....-|-------|-------|-------|-------|-.....-|-------|-------|-------|-.....-|-------|-------|
  !<    0-Ng                             -1      0       1       2      Ni-1     Ni                                    Ni+Ng
  !< Where *Ni* are the finite volumes (cells) used for discretizing the domain and *Ng* are the ghost cells used for imposing the
  !< left and right boundary conditions (for a total of *2Ng* cells).
  !<#### Primitive variables organization
  !< Primitive variables are organized as an array of reals which the first index means:
  !< + 1    : density of species 1    (r1)
  !< + 2    : density of species 2    (r2)
  !< + ...  :
  !< + s    : density of species s-th (rs)
  !< + ...  :
  !< + Ns   : density of species Ns   (rNs)
  !< + Ns+1 : velocity                (u)
  !< + Ns+2 : pressure                (p)
  !< + Ns+3 : density                 (r=sum(rs))
  !< + Ns+4 : specific heats ratio    (g)
  !<#### Conservative variables organization
  !< Conservative variables are organized as an array (rank 2) of reals which the first index means:
  !< + 1    : mass conservation of species 1    (r1)
  !< + 2    : mass conservation of species 2    (r2)
  !< + ...  :
  !< + s    : mass conservation of species s-th (rs)
  !< + ...  :
  !< + Ns   : mass conservation of species Ns   (rNs)
  !< + Ns+1 : momentum conservation             (r*u)
  !< + Ns+2 : energy conservation               (r*E)
  integer(I_P)                   :: ord=0     !< Space accuracy formal order.
  integer(I_P)                   :: Ni=0      !< Space dimension.
  integer(I_P)                   :: Ng=0      !< Number of ghost cells for boundary conditions handling.
  integer(I_P)                   :: Ns=0      !< Number of initial species.
  integer(I_P)                   :: Nc=0      !< Number of conservative variables, Ns+2.
  integer(I_P)                   :: Np=0      !< Number of primitive variables, Ns+4.
  real(R_P)                      :: Dx=0._R_P !< Space step.
  type(weno_interpolator_upwind) :: weno      !< WENO interpolator.
  real(R_P),    allocatable      :: U(:,:)    !< Integrand (state) variables, whole physical domain [1:Nc,1:Ni].
  real(R_P),    allocatable      :: cp0(:)    !< Specific heat cp of initial species [1:Ns].
  real(R_P),    allocatable      :: cv0(:)    !< Specific heat cv of initial species [1:Ns].
  character(:), allocatable      :: BC_L      !< Left boundary condition type.
  character(:), allocatable      :: BC_R      !< Right boundary condition type.
  integer(I_P)                   :: me=0      !< ID of this_image().
  integer(I_P)                   :: we=0      !< Number of CAF images used.
    ! auxiliary methods
    procedure, pass(self), public :: init                              !< Init field.
    procedure, pass(self), public :: destroy                           !< Destroy field.
    procedure, pass(self), public :: output                            !< Extract Euler field.
    procedure, pass(self), public :: dt => compute_dt                  !< Compute the current time step, by means of CFL condition.
    generic,               public :: assignment(=) => assign_integrand !< Overloading = assignament.
    ! private methods
    procedure, pass(self), private :: t => dEuler_dt                         !< Time derivative, residuals function.
    procedure, pass(lhs),  private :: assign_integrand => euler_assign_euler !< Euler = Euler.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: primitive2conservative                 !< Convert primitive variables to conservative ones.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: conservative2primitive                 !< Convert conservative variables to primitive ones.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: synchronize                            !< Synchronize CAF images.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: impose_boundary_conditions             !< Impose boundary conditions.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: reconstruct_interfaces_states          !< Reconstruct interfaces states.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: riemann_solver                         !< Solve the Riemann Problem at cell interfaces.
endtype euler_1D_caf_nf