FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of SSP Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to 4th order accurate.
The integrators provided have the Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) property or the Strong Stability Preserving (SSP) one. The schemes are explicit and defined through the Butcher's table syntax, see[1] .
Considering the following ODE system:
$$ U_t = R(t,U) $$
where \(U_t = \frac{dU}{dt}\), U is the vector of state variables being a function of the time-like independent variable t, R is the (vectorial) residual function, the class of schemes implemented are written in the form:
$$ U^{n+1} = U^n +\Delta t \sum_{s=1}^{Ns}\beta^s K^s $$
where Ns is the number of stages used and \(K^s\) is the \(s^{th}\) stage computed as:
$$ K^s = R\left( t^n+\gamma^s \Delta t, U^n +\Delta t \sum_{i=1}^{s-1}\alpha^{s,i} K^i \right) $$
The value of \(\Delta t\) must be provided, it not being computed by the integrator.
The schemes are explicit thus the above summation is up to \(s-1\). The coefficients \(\beta\), \(\alpha\) and \(\gamma\) are given in the Butcher table form:
gamma^1 | alpha^{1,1} alpha^{1,2} ... alpha^{1,Ns} gamma^2 | alpha^{2,1} alpha^{2,2} ... alpha^{2,Ns} . | . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . gamma^{Ns} | alpha^{Ns,1} alpha^{Ns,2} ... alpha^{Ns,Ns} ------------|------------------------------------------------------------- | beta^1 beta^2 ... beta^{Ns}
Because only explicit schemes are considered the Butcher table reduces to diagonal matrix:
gamma^1 | 0 0 ... 0 gamma^2 | alpha^{2,1} 0 ... 0 . | . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . gamma^{Ns} | alpha^{Ns,1} alpha^{Ns,2} ... 0 ------------|------------------------------------------------------------- | beta^1 beta^2 ... beta^{Ns}
Moreover the following relation always holds: \( \gamma^s = \sum_{i=1}^{Ns}\alpha^{s,i} \)
The different schemes are selected accordingly to the number of stages used. Currently the following schemes are available:
This scheme is TVD and reverts to Explicit Forward Euler, it being 1st order.
0 | 0 ---|--- | 1
This scheme is an optmial SSP(2, 2) without low-storage algorithm, see [2].
0 | 0 0 1 | 1 0 ---|----------- | 1/2 1/2
This scheme is an optmial SSP(3, 3) without low-storage algorithm, see [2].
0 | 0 0 0 1 | 1 0 0 1/2 | 1/4 1/4 0 -----|----------------- | 1/6 1/6 1/3
This scheme is an optmial SSP(5, 4) without low-storage algorithm, see [2].
0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0.39175222700392 | 0.39175222700392 0 0 0 0 0.58607968896780 | 0.21766909633821 0.36841059262959 0 0 0 0.47454236302687 | 0.08269208670950 0.13995850206999 0.25189177424738 0 0 0.93501063100924 | 0.06796628370320 0.11503469844438 0.20703489864929 0.54497475021237 0 ------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0.14681187618661 0.24848290924556 0.10425883036650 0.27443890091960 0.22600748319395
[1] Coefficients for the study of Runge-Kutta integration processes, Butcher, J.C., J. Austral. Math. Soc., Vol. 3, pages: 185–201, 1963.
[2] High Order Strong Stability Preserving Time Discretizations, Gottlieb, S., Ketcheson, D. I., Shu, C.W., Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 38, N. 3, 2009, pp. 251-289.
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
character(len=99), | private, | parameter | :: | class_name_ | = | 'runge_kutta_ssp' | Name of the class of schemes. |
logical, | private, | parameter | :: | has_fast_mode_ | = | .true. | Flag to check if integrator provides fast mode integrate. |
character(len=99), | private, | parameter | :: | supported_schemes_(1:4) | = | [trim(class_name_)//'_stages_1_order_1', trim(class_name_)//'_stages_2_order_2', trim(class_name_)//'_stages_3_order_3', trim(class_name_)//'_stages_5_order_4'] | List of supported schemes. |
FOODIE integrator: provide an explicit class of SSP Runge-Kutta schemes, from 1st to 4th order accurate.
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
real(kind=R_P), | private, | allocatable | :: | alph(:,:) | \(\alpha\) Butcher's coefficients. |
real(kind=R_P), | private, | allocatable | :: | beta(:) | \(\beta\) Butcher's coefficients. |
class(integrand_object), | public, | allocatable | :: | buffer | Buffer used for fast integration. |
character(len=:), | public, | allocatable | :: | description_ | Informative description of the integrator. |
integer(kind=I_P), | public | :: | error | = | 0 | Error status code. |
character(len=:), | public, | allocatable | :: | error_message | Error message, hopefully meaningful. |
real(kind=R_P), | private, | allocatable | :: | gamm(:) | \(\gamma\) Butcher's coefficients. |
integer(kind=I_P), | public | :: | registers | Number of registers used for stages. |
class(integrand_object), | public, | allocatable | :: | stage(:) | Stages. |
integer(kind=I_P), | public | :: | stages | Number of stages. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: allocate_integrand_members | Allocate integrand members. |
procedure, public, pass(lhs) :: assign_abstract | Assign ony members of abstract integrator_object type. |
procedure, public, pass(lhs) :: assign_multistage | Assign members of integrator_multistage_object and parents. |
generic, public :: assignment(=) => integr_assign_integr | Overload |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: check_error | Check for error occurrencies. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: class_name | Return the class name of schemes. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: description | Return informative integrator description. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: destroy | Destroy the integrator. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: destroy_abstract | Destroy only members of abstract integrator_object type. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: destroy_multistage | Destroy the integrator. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: has_fast_mode | Return .true. if the integrator class has fast mode integrate. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: initialize | Initialize (create) the integrator. |
procedure, public, pass(lhs) :: integr_assign_integr | Operator |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: integrate | Integrate integrand field. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: integrate_fast | Integrate integrand field, fast mode. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: is_multistage | Return .true. for multistage integrator. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: is_multistep | Return .true. for multistep integrator. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: is_supported | Return .true. if the integrator class support the given scheme. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: stages_number | Return number of stages used. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: steps_number | Return number of steps used. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: supported_schemes | Return the list of supported schemes. |
procedure, public, pass(self) :: trigger_error | Trigger an error. |
Return the class name of schemes.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(in) | :: | self | Integrator. |
Class name.
Return .true. if the integrator class has fast mode integrate.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(in) | :: | self | Integrator. |
Inquire result.
Return .true. if the integrator class support the given scheme.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(in) | :: | self | Integrator. |
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | scheme | Selected scheme. |
Inquire result.
Return the list of supported schemes.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(in) | :: | self | Integrator. |
Queried scheme.
Destroy the integrator.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(inout) | :: | self | Integrator. |
Create the actual RK integrator: initialize the Butcher' table coefficients.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(inout) | :: | self | Integrator. |
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | scheme | Selected scheme. |
class(integrand_object), | intent(in), | optional | :: | U | Integrand molding prototype. |
logical, | intent(in), | optional | :: | stop_on_fail | Stop execution if initialization fail. |
Operator =
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(inout) | :: | lhs | Left hand side. |
class(integrator_object), | intent(in) | :: | rhs | Right hand side. |
Integrate field with explicit SSP Runge-Kutta scheme.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(inout) | :: | self | Integrator. |
class(integrand_object), | intent(inout) | :: | U | Field to be integrated. |
real(kind=R_P), | intent(in) | :: | Dt | Time step. |
real(kind=R_P), | intent(in) | :: | t | Time. |
real(kind=R_P), | intent(out), | optional | :: | new_Dt | New adapted time step. |
Integrate field with explicit SSP Runge-Kutta scheme.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(integrator_runge_kutta_ssp), | intent(inout) | :: | self | Integrator. |
class(integrand_object), | intent(inout) | :: | U | Field to be integrated. |
real(kind=R_P), | intent(in) | :: | Dt | Time step. |
real(kind=R_P), | intent(in) | :: | t | Time. |
real(kind=R_P), | intent(out), | optional | :: | new_Dt | New adapted time step. |