
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription

Adds the elements of an array to this object.


Adds the provided item to the end of the list.


Removes all items from this list, but does not change its container type.


Join this list with an ordered object, returning the result. The contents of the returned object are ordered such that applying pop until it is empty would return items in the same order as calling pop until the list is empty and then until the second object is empty.


Returns a container with the dynamic type of the contents of this list.


Removes the elements at the positions specified by the indices in the array elements from the list. The elements removed are those at the specified location just before the call was made. Once all removals have been performed, the remaining elements well be moved backwards in position as necessary. Crashes if an element has not been set.


Removes the element at the specified position in the list, moving all succeeding items back by one position. Crashes if the element has not been set.


Removes the element within the specified slice of the list, moving all succeeding items back by the number of items deleted. The slice contains the element at the start index to the end index, inclusive. Crashes if part of the slice has not been set.


Returns a new list containing only those items held in this list which pass the provided test.


Performs the specified action on each item in the list, in place.


Returns the item at the specified location in the list. Returns an unallocated container if that location has not been set.


Returns the index of the first occurrence of the item in the list. If there are no occurrences, then returns -1.


Returns an array containing the indices of all occurrences of the item in the list. If there are no occurrences, then returns an unallocated array.


Returns the index of the last occurrence of the item in the list. If there are no occurrences, then returns -1.


Indicates whether there are any copies of the specified item present in the list.


Places the provided item into the list at the position specified, moving all succeeding items forward by one. The position must be one which is already filled or the length of the list plus one.


Returns an iterator containing the contents of this list as they were at the time this method was called.


Returns the largest item contained in the list, as determined using the provided comparison function.


Returns the smallest item contained in the list, as determined using the provided comparison function.


Returns the value contained in the list for which the subtraction function returns the smallest absolute real number when comparing with the specified item.


Returns the item at the end of the list, without removing it.


Returns the item at the start of the list.


Removes the item at the end of the list and returns it.


Removes the item at the start of the list and returns it.


Adds an item to the beginning of the list.


Remove the first occurrence of the specified item from the list, moving all succeeding items back by one position. No action is taken if the item is not present.


Remove all occurrences of the specified item from the list, moving all succeeding items back in position. No action is taken if the item is not present.


Remove the last occurrence of the specified item from the list, moving all succeeding items back by one position. No action is taken if the item is not present.


Places the values of the provided array of items in the locations specified by the corresponding indices in the in the array of elements.


Places the value of the provided element in the specified location in the array. Crashes if this element is not already defined.


Returns the number of items in the list


Returns an array_list instance containing all items in this list within the specified slice, inclusive. Crashes if one of the indices is outside of the list's bounds.


Sorts the list, in place, so that all items are in ascending order according the the provided comparison function.


Returns a container representing the sum of all items contained in the list. This sum is calculated by repeatedly applying the addition procedure to the list's contents.


Returns copies of all items held in this list, stored within an array of container objects.


Transfers the contents of the container to another variable. If the other variable is another container of the same type then the contents will be transferred. If the other variable is the same type as the contents of the container (as determined by the typeguard routine provided for that concrete type extension) then it will be given the value held by the container. Otherwise, an error message will be printed and the program stopped. If compiled with gfortran then a backtrace will also be printed. In the event that the container was never set to a value, then this also constitutes an error.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Creates an iterator from an array of containers containing the data to be returned upon iteration. The data is returned starting with the first element of the array and ending with the last.


Returns the contents, encoded as a character array, of the container.


Returns a container with the dynamic type of that used to hold the contents of this iterator


An accessor returning a container object storing the value placed in the node. If the contents have not been set then an unallocated container is returned.


Returns a pointer to the node which this ones points to, i.e. the next node in the chain. If this node does not point at another one, then a null pointer is returned.


Returns a pointer to the previous node in the chain. If this node does not point at a previous one one, then a null pointer is returned.


Returns whether or not a values has been assigned to the node.


Returns .true. if there are any remaining objects through which to iterate, and .false. otherwise.


Returns whether or not this node points at another one, forming a chain.


Returns whether or not this node points to a previous one, forming a chain in the backwards direction.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Checks whether two containers are of the same type and are storing the same contents.


Returns .true. if a value has been assigned to the container, .false. otherwise.


Adds the contents of an iterable object to this data structure.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Returns the next item stored in the iterator. If there are no more items present then an empty container is returned. If there are no contents stored in this iterator then it returns an unallocated container.


Returns .true., indicating that queues are a "first in first out" data structure.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Transfers the container's contents to the variable on the left hand side of the equals sign if it is of the correct type.


Resets the position of the iterator to the start, so it is as though the next routine has never been called.


Sets the contents of the storage array to value passed. The type of the variable provided must be the same as the container variable is designed to accept (as determined by the concrete type implementation of the typeguard method in the extension) or be of the same type of container. Otherwise an error message will be printed and the program will exit. If gfortran was used to compile then a backtrace will also be printed.


Places a new value into storage within the node. This value must already be heald within an allocatable container. The actual argument will be deallocated after the subroutine call, as its allocation is moved to the contents of the node.


Sets the node which this one points to (i.e. sets the next node in the chain). If this node already points to another one, the pointer will, by default, be nullified. This may result in a memory leak. Optionally, by setting deallocate_old=.true., the next node (and all nodes it points to) can be deallocated. This may result in a segfault if another part of the program tries to access the former next node.


Sets the pointer to the previous node in the chain. If this node already points to a previous one, the pointer will, by default, be nullified. This may result in a memory leak. Optionally, by setting deallocate_old=.true., the previous node (and all nodes it points to) can be deallocated. This may result in a segfault if another part of the program tries to access the former previous node. The new previous node will not automatically be set to have this one as the next, with the same rules applied to deallocation.


Deallocates the value stored within the node.


Unsets the pointer to the next node in the chain, severing it. By default, the pointer is only nullified. This may result in a memory leak. Optionally, by setting deallocate_old=.true., the next node (and all nodes it points to) can be deallocated. This may result in a segfault if another part of the program tries to access the former next node.


Unsets the pointer to the previous node in the chain, severing it. By default, the pointer is only nullified. This may result in a memory leak. Optionally, by setting deallocate_old=.true., the previous node (and all previous nodes it points to) can be deallocated. This may result in a segfault if another part of the program tries to access the former previous node.

call~~graph~~CallGraph proc~array_list_max array_list_max proc~array_list_to_array array_list_to_array proc~queue_is_fifo queue_is_fifo proc~contents contents proc~array_list_concat array_list_concat proc~has_next has_next proc~array_list_peek array_list_peek proc~real_guard real_guard proc~unset_next unset_next proc~unset_contents unset_contents proc~array_list_contents_type array_list_contents_type proc~logical_guard logical_guard proc~set_contents set_contents proc~array_list_size array_list_size proc~get_contents get_contents proc~int4_guard int4_guard proc~array_list_clear array_list_clear proc~has_contents has_contents proc~array_list_nearest array_list_nearest proc~has_next~2 has_next proc~array_list_iter array_list_iter proc~array_list_append array_list_append proc~array_list_insert array_list_insert proc~next next proc~set_next set_next proc~int2_guard int2_guard proc~array_list_remove array_list_remove proc~array_list_get_index array_list_get_index proc~array_list_remove_all array_list_remove_all proc~is_filled is_filled proc~array_list_sum array_list_sum proc~array_list_get_last_index array_list_get_last_index proc~iterator_extend iterator_extend proc~array_list_peekleft array_list_peekleft proc~real4_guard real4_guard proc~complex_guard complex_guard proc~array_list_push array_list_push proc~constructor constructor proc~array_list_min array_list_min proc~contents_type contents_type proc~character_guard character_guard proc~set set proc~int1_guard int1_guard proc~array_list_filter array_list_filter proc~set_prev set_prev proc~int8_guard int8_guard proc~complex16_guard complex16_guard proc~array_list_delete_slice array_list_delete_slice proc~array_list_popleft array_list_popleft proc~complex8_guard complex8_guard proc~array_extend array_extend proc~array_list_remove_last array_list_remove_last proc~is_equal is_equal proc~array_list_foreach array_list_foreach proc~array_list_get array_list_get proc~int_guard int_guard interface~iterator iterator interface~iterator->proc~constructor proc~get_prev get_prev proc~reset reset proc~array_list_get_indices array_list_get_indices proc~array_list_delete_multiple array_list_delete_multiple proc~has_prev has_prev proc~real8_guard real8_guard proc~get_next get_next proc~real16_guard real16_guard proc~array_list_delete_single array_list_delete_single proc~assign_container assign_container proc~unset_prev unset_prev proc~array_list_slice array_list_slice proc~complex4_guard complex4_guard proc~array_list_pop array_list_pop proc~array_list_has array_list_has proc~array_list_set_single array_list_set_single proc~array_list_set_multiple array_list_set_multiple proc~array_list_sort array_list_sort