
ModuleSource FileDescription

Provides an abstract container derived type which can be used as a sort of unlimited polymorphic entity whose contents are retrievable with type-guards. Different subclasses are created in order to hold different data-types. See container for instructions on creating concrete subclasses. See container_mod for subclasses containing the built-in data-types.


Provides a concrete implementation of the list abstract data type. This implementation, the array_list, stores values in an array and thus fast to read from.


Implements a node which contains a pointer to two other (the next and previous) nodes, allowing a chain to be formed. This can be used to, for example, build a doubly-linked lists.


Provides implementations of the container abstract derived type for all of the intrinsic variable types.


Provides the countable abstract type. For a type to be countable, the number of individual pieces of data stored within must be known in advance.


Provides an abstract type for the set data structure. Such sets support similar operations to their mathematical counterparts. This class, and its descendents, have a comparable set of methods to those in the Python frozenset type.


Provides a doubled ended queue abstract data type. This is a first in first out data structure which can be added to or taken from at either end.


Provides an abstract type for mapping data structures. These are data structures which consist of key-value pairs.


Provides an abstract type for a dynamic set data structures. This data structure is similar to a normal data_set structure, but new items can be added to the set. It is similar to the set type in Python.


Provides the iterable abstract type. All of FIATs more complex public data structures are descendants of this type.


Provides the iterator data type which can be used to access a collection of data.


Implements a node which contains a pointer to another (the next) node, allowing a chain to be formed. This can be used to, for example, build linked lists.


Provides an abstract data type representing a list. This interface provides a derived type with many of the same abilities as lists in higher-level languages such as Python.


Provides an abstract type for a standard map data structures. These are data structures which consist of key-value pairs, with only one value per key. It is similar to the dictionary type in Python.


Provides an abstract type for a multiple map data structure. These are data structures which consist of key-value pairs, potentially holding multiple values per key.


Provides an abstract type for a multi-set data structure. These behave like a normal set, except they keep count of the number of times which an item has been added.


Provides a node data type, for holding some sort of contents. While a node itself is unlikely to be very useful, various type extensions are also made which are then used to build more complex data structures.


Provides the ordered abstract type. This is a data structure for which the order of the elements is known. One of the effects of this is that order in which items are retrieved is determined by the order in which they are added to the data structure.


Provides an abstract data type representing a queue (first in first out) data structure.

module~~graph~~ModuleGraph module~map_mod map_mod module~multimap_mod multimap_mod module~map_mod->module~multimap_mod module~iterator_mod iterator_mod module~ordered_mod ordered_mod module~iterator_mod->module~ordered_mod module~iterable_mod iterable_mod module~iterator_mod->module~iterable_mod module~array_list_mod array_list_mod module~iterator_mod->module~array_list_mod module~abstract_container_mod abstract_container_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~map_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~iterator_mod module~node_mod node_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~node_mod module~data_set_mod data_set_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~data_set_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~ordered_mod module~deque_mod deque_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~deque_mod module~list_mod list_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~list_mod module~dynamic_set_mod dynamic_set_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~dynamic_set_mod module~container_mod container_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~container_mod module~dictionary_mod dictionary_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~dictionary_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~iterable_mod module~abstract_container_mod->module~array_list_mod module~countable_mod countable_mod module~countable_mod->module~data_set_mod module~countable_mod->module~ordered_mod module~linked_node_mod linked_node_mod module~node_mod->module~linked_node_mod module~data_set_mod->module~dynamic_set_mod module~data_set_mod->module~dictionary_mod module~queue_mod queue_mod module~ordered_mod->module~queue_mod module~ordered_mod->module~array_list_mod module~deque_mod->module~list_mod module~list_mod->module~array_list_mod module~multiset_mod multiset_mod module~dynamic_set_mod->module~multiset_mod module~dictionary_mod->module~map_mod module~dictionary_mod->module~multimap_mod module~iterable_mod->module~countable_mod module~iterable_mod->module~ordered_mod module~iterable_mod->module~dynamic_set_mod module~bidir_node_mod bidir_node_mod module~queue_mod->module~deque_mod module~array_list_mod->module~data_set_mod module~array_list_mod->module~multimap_mod module~array_list_mod->module~dictionary_mod module~linked_node_mod->module~bidir_node_mod iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env->module~abstract_container_mod iso_fortran_env->module~container_mod