compute Subroutine

private pure subroutine compute(self, S, weight_opt, IS, eps, f1, f2)

Compute alpha coefficients.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(alpha_coefficients_js), intent(inout) :: self

Alpha coefficient.

integer(kind=I_P), intent(in) :: S

Number of stencils used.

real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: weight_opt(1:2,0:S-1)

Optimal weight of the stencil.

real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: IS(1:2,0:S-1)

Smoothness indicators of the stencils.

real(kind=R_P), intent(in) :: eps

Parameter for avoiding divided by zero.

integer(kind=I_P), intent(in) :: f1

Faces to be computed.

integer(kind=I_P), intent(in) :: f2

Faces to be computed.

Source Code

Source Code

  pure subroutine compute(self, S, weight_opt, IS, eps, f1, f2)
  !< Compute alpha coefficients.
  class(alpha_coefficients_js), intent(inout) :: self                       !< Alpha coefficient.
  integer(I_P),                 intent(in)    :: S                          !< Number of stencils used.
  real(R_P),                    intent(in)    :: weight_opt(1: 2, 0: S - 1) !< Optimal weight of the stencil.
  real(R_P),                    intent(in)    :: IS(1: 2, 0: S - 1)         !< Smoothness indicators of the stencils.
  real(R_P),                    intent(in)    :: eps                        !< Parameter for avoiding divided by zero.
  integer(I_P),                 intent(in)    :: f1, f2                     !< Faces to be computed.
  integer(I_P)                                :: f, s1                      !< Counters.

  self%alpha_tot = 0._R_P
  do s1=0, S - 1 ! stencil loops
    do f=f1, f2 ! 1 => left interface (i-1/2), 2 => right interface (i+1/2)
      self%alpha_coef(f, s1) = weight_opt(f, s1) * (1._R_P/(eps + IS(f, s1))**S)
      self%alpha_tot(f) = self%alpha_tot(f) + self%alpha_coef(f, s1)
  endsubroutine compute

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