check_endian Subroutine

public subroutine check_endian()

Check the type of bit ordering (big or little endian) of the running architecture.



Called By

proc~~check_endian~~CalledByGraph proc~check_endian check_endian proc~penf_init penf_init proc~penf_init->proc~check_endian program~test_all test_all program~test_all->proc~penf_init program~compact_real compact_real program~compact_real->proc~penf_init

Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine check_endian()
  !< Check the type of bit ordering (big or little endian) of the running architecture.
  !> @note The result is stored into the *endian* global variable.

  if (is_little_endian()) then
    endian = endianL
    endian = endianB
    pure function is_little_endian() result(is_little)
    !< Check if the type of the bit ordering of the running architecture is little endian.
    logical      :: is_little !< Logical output: true is the running architecture uses little endian ordering, false otherwise.
    integer(I1P) :: int1(1:4) !< One byte integer array for casting 4 bytes integer.

    int1 = transfer(1_I4P, int1)
    is_little = (int1(1)==1_I1P)
    endfunction is_little_endian
  endsubroutine check_endian

add_3d_plot add_bar add_contour add_plot add_str bctoi_I1P bctoi_I2P bctoi_I4P bctoi_I8P bcton bctor_R16P bctor_R4P bctor_R8P bit_size bit_size bit_size_chr bit_size_R16P bit_size_R4P bit_size_R8P bstr bstr_I1P bstr_I2P bstr_I4P bstr_I8P bstr_R16P bstr_R4P bstr_R8P byte_size byte_size_chr byte_size_I1P byte_size_I2P byte_size_I4P byte_size_I8P byte_size_R16P byte_size_R4P byte_size_R8P check_endian compact_real_string compute compute compute compute compute compute compute compute compute compute create create create create create create create create create create_alpha_coefficients create_alpha_coefficients_js_constructor create_alpha_coefficients_m_constructor create_alpha_coefficients_z_constructor create_base_object create_interpolator_constructor create_interpolator_js_constructor create_optimal_weights create_optimal_weights_js_constructor create_polynomials create_polynomials_js_constructor create_smoothness_indicators create_smoothness_indicators_js_constructor ctoi_I1P ctoi_I2P ctoi_I4P ctoi_I8P cton ctor_R16P ctor_R4P ctor_R8P description description description description description description description description description description description description destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy_interpolator_constructor digit digit_I1 digit_I2 digit_I4 digit_I8 execute initialize integer_to_string interpolate interpolate matrix_to_string optional_int_to_string penf_init penf_print savefig str str_a_I1P str_a_I2P str_a_I4P str_a_I8P str_a_R16P str_a_R4P str_a_R8P str_bol str_I1P str_I2P str_I4P str_I8P str_R16P str_R4P str_R8P strf_I1P strf_I2P strf_I4P strf_I8P strf_R16P strf_R4P strf_R8P strz strz_I1P strz_I2P strz_I4P strz_I8P tau vec_to_string weno_exp weno_odd wenoof_create