befor64_pack_data_m.F90 Source File

KISS library for packing heterogeneous data into single (homogeneous) packed one.

Source Code

!< KISS library for packing heterogeneous data into single (homogeneous) packed one.
module befor64_pack_data_m
!< KISS library for packing heterogeneous data into single (homogeneous) packed one.
use penf ! Portability environment.

implicit none
public :: pack_data

interface pack_data
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  !< This is useful for encoding different (heterogeneous) kinds variables into a single (homogeneous) stream of bits.
  !< @note This procedure exploits the `transfer` builtin function, that from the standard (2003+) is defined as
  !< `TRANSFER(SOURCE, MOLD [, SIZE])`. Data object having a physical representation identical to that of `SOURCE` but with the type
  !< and type parameters of `MOLD`. The result is of the same type and type parameters as `MOLD`.
  !< If `MOLD` is an array and `SIZE` is absent, the result is an array and of rank one. Its size is as small as possible such
  !< that its physical representation is not shorter than that of `SOURCE`.
  !< Presently, the following combinations are available:
  !<* [ ] Arrays-Arrays:
  !<    * [X] real(any)-real(any);
  !<    * [X] real(any)-integer(any);
  !<    * [X] integer(any)-integer(any);
  !<    * [X] integer(any)-real(any);
  !<    * [ ] real(any)-character;
  !<    * [ ] character-real(any);
  !<    * [ ] integer(any)-character;
  !<    * [ ] character-integer(any);
  !<* [ ] Scalars-Scalars:
  !<    * [ ] real(any)-real(any);
  !<    * [ ] real(any)-integer(any);
  !<    * [ ] integer(any)-integer(any);
  !<    * [ ] integer(any)-real(any);
  !<    * [ ] real(any)-character;
  !<    * [ ] character-real(any);
  !<    * [ ] integer(any)-character;
  !<    * [ ] character-integer(any);
  !<### Examples of usage
  !<#### Packing two real arrays, one with kind R8P and one with R4P
  !<real(R8P)::                 array_r8(1:12)
  !<real(R4P)::                 array_r4(-1:5)
  !<integer(I1P), allocatable:: rpack
  !<call pack_data(a1=array_r8,a2=array_r4,packed=rpack)
  !<#### Packing two arrays, one real with kind R4P and one integer with I4P
  !<real(R4P)::                 array_r4(2)
  !<integer(I4P)::              array_i4(0:2)
  !<integer(I1P), allocatable:: rpack
  !<call pack_data(a1=array_r4,a2=array_i4,packed=rpack)
  module procedure pack_data_R8_R4,pack_data_R8_I8,pack_data_R8_I4,pack_data_R8_I2,pack_data_R8_I1, &
                   pack_data_R4_R8,pack_data_R4_I8,pack_data_R4_I4,pack_data_R4_I2,pack_data_R4_I1, &
                   pack_data_I8_R8,pack_data_I8_R4,pack_data_I8_I4,pack_data_I8_I2,pack_data_I8_I1, &
                   pack_data_I4_R8,pack_data_I4_R4,pack_data_I4_I8,pack_data_I4_I2,pack_data_I4_I1, &
                   pack_data_I2_R8,pack_data_I2_R4,pack_data_I2_I8,pack_data_I2_I4,pack_data_I2_I1, &
  pure subroutine pack_data_R8_R4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< Firs data stream.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R8_R4

  pure subroutine pack_data_R8_I8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R8_I8

  pure subroutine pack_data_R8_I4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R8_I4

  pure subroutine pack_data_R8_I2(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R8_I2

  pure subroutine pack_data_R8_I1(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R8_I1

  pure subroutine pack_data_R4_R8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< Firs data stream.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R4_R8

  pure subroutine pack_data_R4_I8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R4_I8

  pure subroutine pack_data_R4_I4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R4_I4

  pure subroutine pack_data_R4_I2(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R4_I2

  pure subroutine pack_data_R4_I1(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_R4_I1

  pure subroutine pack_data_I8_R8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I8_R8

  pure subroutine pack_data_I8_R4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I8_R4

  pure subroutine pack_data_I8_I4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I8_I4

  pure subroutine pack_data_I8_I2(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I8_I2

  pure subroutine pack_data_I8_I1(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I8_I1

  pure subroutine pack_data_I4_R8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I4_R8

  pure subroutine pack_data_I4_R4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I4_R4

  pure subroutine pack_data_I4_I8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I4_I8

  pure subroutine pack_data_I4_I2(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I4_I2

  pure subroutine pack_data_I4_I1(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I4_I1

  pure subroutine pack_data_I2_R8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I2_R8

  pure subroutine pack_data_I2_R4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I2_R4

  pure subroutine pack_data_I2_I8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I2_I8

  pure subroutine pack_data_I2_I4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I2_I4

  pure subroutine pack_data_I2_I1(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I2_I1

  pure subroutine pack_data_I1_R8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  real(R8P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I1_R8

  pure subroutine pack_data_I1_R4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  real(R4P),                 intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I1_R4

  pure subroutine pack_data_I1_I8(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I8P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I1_I8

  pure subroutine pack_data_I1_I4(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I4P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I1_I4

  pure subroutine pack_data_I1_I2(a1, a2, packed)
  !< Pack different kinds of data into single I1P array.
  integer(I1P),              intent(in)    :: a1(1:)    !< First data stream.
  integer(I2P),              intent(in)    :: a2(1:)    !< Second data stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable, intent(inout) :: packed(:) !< Packed data into I1P array.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p1(:)     !< Temporary packed data of first stream.
  integer(I1P), allocatable                :: p2(:)     !< Temporary packed data of second stream.
  integer(I4P)                             :: np        !< Size of temporary packed data.

  np = size(transfer(a1,p1)) ; allocate(p1(1:np)) ; p1 = transfer(a1,p1)
  np = size(transfer(a2,p2)) ; allocate(p2(1:np)) ; p2 = transfer(a2,p2)
  if (allocated(packed)) deallocate(packed) ; allocate(packed(1:size(p1,dim=1)+size(p2,dim=1))) ; packed = [p1,p2]
  endsubroutine pack_data_I1_I2
endmodule befor64_pack_data_m